A simple web application created using django
CLICKnBLOG is a simple click and blog web application, built using Django frameworks for python
check it out on heroku ---> https://clicknblog.herokuapp.com/
You can view blog posts via the homepage, but will be required to register with a username, valid email and password, to write posts and make comments.
DEPENDENCIES: Check the requirements.txt file in source code for app dependencies.
DOCUMENTATION: Source code in written majorly in Python with some html and little CSS.
i. install python 3.9 and pipenv
ii. create a virtual environment for the project using pipenv
iii. activate virtual env wit 'Pipenv shell' command in command line interface
iv. install dependencies on your local machine within the virtual environment
v. create your new django project and app
vi. build app in your choice text editor and run on localhost using 'python manage.py runserver' command in your terminal
vii. prepare app for deployment on heroku, ensure to hide secret-key using .env
ix. create procfile
x. run app on web using 'waitress' (for windows) #see procfile#
xi. to add elasticemail as a smtp service, create an account at elasticemail.com, select the "connect to smtp API" option and create your unique API password. Then input password accordingly in the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD field in the settings.py file.