Examples of docker good practices with examples starting from a simple container build to a production ready build.
- https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.9/openshift_images/create-images.html
- https://sysdig.com/blog/dockerfile-best-practices/
- https://snyk.io/blog/10-docker-image-security-best-practices/
There are examples for
- golang
- nodejs
- python
We demonstrate different good practices for building containers by building a container for a simple demo application. To begin with the build is as simple as it can be and we add good practices one by one. The goal is to end up with a production ready container.
Good practices that will be implemented.
- Do not run as root
- Use a minimal init system such as dumb-init
- Remove temoprary files to avoid wasting space
- Use multi-stage builds to separate build and runtime environments
Good practices that are only used when necessary
- Use a base image from a trusted source
- Run several related commands in the same RUN
- Make code and executables owned by root
- Mark used port by using EXPOSE
- Use exec in entrypoint script (if one is used)
- Set defaults for enironment variables used by the container
- Write temporary data to /tmp
- Do not use ADD keyword unless absolutely necessary
- Use .dockerignore file to avoid copying unnecessary files