Koa.js middleware that adds validation functionality.
This module is heavily inspired by express-validator. It´s purpose is to extend Context
with validation methods taken from validator.js
npm install koa_validator
var koa = require('koa');
var bodyParser = require('koa-body-parser');
var koaValidator = require('koa_validator');
var app = koa();
app.use(function *(next){
this.checkQuery('getparam', 'Invalid getparam').isInt().notEmpty();
this.checkParams('urlparam', 'No url param').notEmpty();
this.checkBody('postParam', 'Invalid postparam').isAlpha();
this.body = this.validationErrors();
yield next;
Clone the repo, install dependencies and start the server
$ git clone git://github.com/mikaelharsjo/koa-validator.git --depth 1
$ cd koa-validator
$ npm install
$ npm start
Some sample urls to try with
$ curl http://localhost:3000/test?getparam=test
-> [{"param":"getparam","msg":"Invalid getparam","value":"test"}]
$ curl -d 'postparam=1' http://localhost:3000/test?getparam=1
-> [ { param: 'postparam', msg: 'Invalid postparam', value: '1' } ]
$ npm test