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Actions: microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler

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417 workflow runs
417 workflow runs

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Implement wave size range (#6167)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #593: Commit 00e170f pushed by bob80905
January 20, 2024 06:16 35m 7s main
January 20, 2024 06:16 35m 7s
Update WaveMatrix test shader model requirement to 6.9 (#6169)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #592: Commit cb7726d pushed by tex3d
January 20, 2024 04:40 35m 57s main
January 20, 2024 04:40 35m 57s
[SM68] Add feature flag for SampleCmpBias/Grad and StartInstance/Vert…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #591: Commit ae9b762 pushed by python3kgae
January 20, 2024 04:01 34m 43s main
January 20, 2024 04:01 34m 43s
Add DXIL 1.8 op code cap and move WaveMatrix intrisics to SM 6.9 (#6163)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #590: Commit 6d8645f pushed by pow2clk
January 20, 2024 01:34 35m 21s main
January 20, 2024 01:34 35m 21s
Remove SPIRV test case from Sema tests related to DS/HS patch size (#…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #589: Commit a711bf8 pushed by hekota
January 20, 2024 00:57 35m 16s main
January 20, 2024 00:57 35m 16s
[SPIR-V] Implement type alias, type alias templates, and variable tem…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #588: Commit f477fdb pushed by s-perron
January 19, 2024 16:11 35m 54s main
January 19, 2024 16:11 35m 54s
[SPIR-V] Handle vk::ext_capability and vk::ext_extension on entry poi…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #587: Commit 414acd5 pushed by cassiebeckley
January 17, 2024 18:09 36m 3s main
January 17, 2024 18:09 36m 3s
[SPIRV] Generate OpSource for All Includes (#6094)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #586: Commit 2f00209 pushed by s-perron
January 15, 2024 16:43 47m 32s main
January 15, 2024 16:43 47m 32s
[SPIRV] Fix the code generated for dot4add_u8packed and dot4add_i8pac…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #585: Commit bdcbd7b pushed by s-perron
January 15, 2024 16:41 2m 10s main
January 15, 2024 16:41 2m 10s
sema: gracefully reject 0-sized IO patch (#6138)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #584: Commit 05db997 pushed by Keenuts
January 15, 2024 16:20 35m 43s main
January 15, 2024 16:20 35m 43s
Allow node input record to be a class (#6123)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #583: Commit 28fb8fb pushed by tcorringham
January 15, 2024 10:58 34m 49s main
January 15, 2024 10:58 34m 49s
[SPIRV] Implement out variables in patch control functions (#6135)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #582: Commit f94fe82 pushed by s-perron
January 10, 2024 20:28 34m 41s main
January 10, 2024 20:28 34m 41s
Require outputtopology attribute on Hull shader (#6137)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #581: Commit ac016fc pushed by sudonatalie
January 10, 2024 18:51 34m 38s main
January 10, 2024 18:51 34m 38s
Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 39 to 41 in /.github/workflows (#6…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #580: Commit 520135c pushed by llvm-beanz
January 9, 2024 21:45 36m 7s main
January 9, 2024 21:45 36m 7s
Fix YAML formatting for clang-format action (#6139)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #579: Commit f47df8c pushed by llvm-beanz
January 9, 2024 20:02 35m 35s main
January 9, 2024 20:02 35m 35s
Handle bool in HS input and outputs (#6129)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #578: Commit 849f8b8 pushed by s-perron
January 9, 2024 15:03 36m 7s main
January 9, 2024 15:03 36m 7s
Remove LLVM_C_FALLTHROUGH instances that cause warnings on clang-12 (…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #577: Commit eb4cec4 pushed by hekota
January 8, 2024 20:43 35m 24s main
January 8, 2024 20:43 35m 24s
ProTip! You can narrow down the results and go further in time using created:<2024-01-08 or the other filters available.