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@lisaong lisaong released this 24 Feb 05:04
· 8 commits to main since this release

What's Changed

  • Merged PR 3107: Make vectorization happen after inlining and
    simplification. [Mason Remy]

    Make vectorization happen after inlining and simplification

    This change fills out the vectorization passes and removes vectorization
    from LoopNestToValueFunc. Some bugs were exposed that this also fixes.

    Since vectorization is now a separate pass, mlir filecheck lit tests can
    be run more easily. This change adds the initial file with one test, but
    we should continue expanding this test suite

  • Merged PR 3108: extend vectorization for masked store case. [JUBI

  • Merged PR 3109: Set conan version < 2.0.0. [Mason Remy]

    Our infra isn't set up for the new conan 2 behavior, so fix our usage to
    version 1 until we take the upgrade intentionally

  • Merged PR 3104: Position fusing dim after the fused dimensions.
    [Captain Jack Sparrow]

    Position fusing dim after the fused dimensions

  • Merged PR 3096: Add "RelWithDebInfo"-like option to accc. [Chuck

    This PR adds another option to the Options flag for AcceraProject.gemerate_and_emit to keep some debug (the frame pointers) info around when building the Accera project. This can be helpful when trying to interpret perf profiler output.

Full Changelog: v1.2.21...v1.2.22