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Michael Baym committed Aug 27, 2015
0 parents commit e71a5f2
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Showing 5 changed files with 804 additions and 0 deletions.
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# first, bring in the SeqIO module
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::Seq;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::Tools::CodonTable;

my $startdir = '.';
my $refsource = '.';#'/groups/kishony/Reference_Genomes/';
my $outdir = '.';
my $mutfile = "newtest5variants.txt";
my $outfile = 'mutations.txt';
my $promoterlength=150;

GetOptions ('s|startdir=s' => \$startdir, #directory with reads split into folders
'r|g|refsource=s' => \$refsource, #where is the reference genome?
'i|mutfile=s' => \$mutfile, #where is the mutations vcf
'o|outfile=s' => \$outfile, #to what directory should analyses be outputted?
'runtag=s' => \$runtag, #unique tag for these processes? (to manage bsub dependencies)
'unixcsv' => \$unixcsv, #are samples.csv and alignment_params.csv unix or windows?
'postprocess' => \$postprocess, #are samples.csv and alignment_params.csv unix or windows?
'debug' => \$debug); #debug mode

# Bring in the file and format, or die with a nice
# usage statement if one or both arguments are missing.

#my $usage = "perl [file] [format]\n";
#my $file = shift or die $usage;
#my $format = shift or die $usage;

open VCFFILE, $mutfile || die "can't open VCF file $mutfile\n";;

while ($vcfline = <VCFFILE>) {
next if ($vcfline =~ m/$\#/);

@linesplitarray = split(" ",$vcfline);
#print $vcfline."\n";
#print $mutpos."\n";
$mutpos = $linesplitarray[1];
$refbases{$mutpos} = $linesplitarray[3];

push @mutlocs, $mutpos;


close VCFFILE;

#print "<$refsource/genome.fasta";
open GENOME, "<$refsource/genome.fasta" || warn "can't open gemome";
$genometopline = <GENOME>;
$genometopline =~ m/\|.+\|.+\|(.+)\|/;
$gbkfile = $refsource."/".$1.".gb";
close GENOME;

print "Reading genbank file $gbkfile ....\n";
my $inseq = Bio::SeqIO->new(
-file => "<$gbkfile",
-format => 'GenBank',
$myCodonTable = Bio::Tools::CodonTable->new();

print "Parsing genbank...\n";

my $seq = $inseq->next_seq;

for my $feat_object ($seq->get_SeqFeatures) {
my $primtag = $feat_object->primary_tag;
#print "primary tag: ", $primtag , "\n";

if ($feat_object->primary_tag eq "CDS") {
$startpos = $feat_object->start;
$endpos = $feat_object->end;
#if (any { ($startpos < $_ && $endpos>$_) } @mutlocs ) {
foreach (@mutlocs) {

if ($startpos < $_ && $endpos>$_) {
#print $feat_object->start,"...";
#print $feat_object->end," ";
#print (($feat_object->strand eq 1)?"F":"R")."\n";
for my $tag ($feat_object->get_all_tags) {
#print " tag: ", $tag, "\n";
for my $value ($feat_object->get_tag_values($tag)) {
#print " value: ", $value, "\n";

my $sequence_string = $feat_object->seq()->seq;

$mutpos=(($feat_object->strand == 1)? ( $_ -$startpos):($endpos-$_)); #0-indexed position

$mutcodonstart = $mutpos-($mutpos % 3);
#print $mutcodonstart."x y".length($sequence_string)."z a";
$mutcodon = substr($sequence_string,$mutcodonstart,3);
#print "$mutcodon ";
$altcodon = $mutcodon;
$altcodings = "";
foreach $base ("A","T","C","G") {
#print "($altcodon) ".($mutpos % 3)." ";
$z = substr $altcodon,($mutpos % 3), 1,$base;
$altcodings = $altcodings.($myCodonTable->translate($altcodon));
$altcodings =~ s/(.)(.)(.)(.)/$2$1$4$3/ if ($feat_object->strand == -1);

} else { #INTERGENIC

if ( ( (($startpos-$promoterlength) < $_) && (($_ < $startpos) && ($feat_object->strand==1) ) ) ||
( (($endpos+$promoterlength) > $_) && ( ($_ > $endpos) && ($feat_object->strand==-1) )) ){

for my $tag ($feat_object->get_all_tags) {
#print " tag: ", $tag, "\n";
for my $value ($feat_object->get_tag_values($tag)) {
#print " value: ", $value, "\n";




open OUTFILE, ">$outfile";

foreach (@mutlocs) {
print OUTFILE $_."\t";
if ($mutdata{$_}{"gene"}) {
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"gene"};
} else {
print OUTFILE "yyyY";
print OUTFILE "\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"start"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"end"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"strand"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"promotor"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $refbases{$_}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"product"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"protein_id"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"nt_pos"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"codon"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"locus_tag"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"aa_pos"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"AAs"}."\t";
print OUTFILE $mutdata{$_}{"note"};
#print OUTFILE " ".$mutdata{$_}{"function"}."\n";
#print OUTFILE " ".$mutdata{$_}{"note"}."\n";
#print OUTFILE " ".$mutdata{$_}{"translation"}."\n";
print OUTFILE "\n";

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