GCP-HOLO is a RL based method to learn a stochastic search direction for generating constraint satisfying high-order linkage graphs for the inverse design of linkages
NOTE: This is still in-progress to provide cleaner and more usable documentation
- python>=3.8.0
- stable_baselines3==1.5.0
- torch==1.11.0
- torch_geometric==2.0.4
- gym==0.21.0
- networkx==2.6.2
- cma==3.1.0
- wandb (optional for logging can be commented out if not desired)
- argparse
- multiprocessing
- pickle
- matplotlib
- numpy
- itertools
- datetime
- warnings
- time
- copy
- os
- scipy
NOTE: No automatic installation due to various computer requirements, please check Cuda and torch versions. Highly recommended to use a conda environment or venv for using the project.
WARNING: This requirement.txt file is there to support the Sphinx Docmunetation and may be missing packagegs
Quick Start (Uses Default Args, Not Recommended!):
python train.py
Example of various inputs that can be changed:
python train.py --goal_filename klann_traj --goal_filepath data/other_curves
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--max_nodes MAX_NODES Maximum number of revolute joints on linkage graph
(default: 11, type: int)
--resolution RESOLUTION Resolution of scaffold nodes
(default: 11, type: int)
--bound BOUND Bound for linkage graph design [-bound, bound]
(default: 1.0, type: float)
--sample_points SAMPLE_POINTS Numbder of points to sample the trajectories of revolute joints
(default: 20, type: int)
--feature_points FEATURE_POINTS Number of feature points for node vector used in GNN
(default: 1, type: int)
--goal_filename GOAL_FILENAME Goal filename
(default: jansen_traj, type: str)
--goal_path GOAL_PATH Path to goal file
(default: data/other_curves, type: str)
--use_self_loops Add self-loops in adj matrix
(default: False, type: None)
--normalize Normalize trajectory for feature vector
(default: False, type: None)
--use_node_type Use node type id for feature vector
(default: False, type: None)
--fixed_initial_state Use same initial design state for all training
(default: True, type: None)
--seed SEED Random seed for numpy and gym
(default: 123, type: int)
--ordered Get minimum ordered distance
(default: True, type: None)
--body_constraints BODY_CONSTRAINTS Constraint on Non-coupler revolute joints[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
(default: None, type: float)
--coupler_constraints COUPLER_CONSTRAINTS Constraint on Coupler joint [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
(default: None, type: float)
--use_gnn Use GNN feature embedding
(default: True, type: None)
--batch_normalize Use batch normalization in GNN
(default: True, type: None)
--model MODEL Select which model type to use Models=[DQN, A2C, PPO, random]
(default: PPO, type: str)
--n_envs N_ENVS Number of parallel environments to run
(default: 1, type: int)
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT Load a previous model checkpoint
(default: None, type: str)
--update_freq UPDATE_FREQ How often to update the model
(default: 1000, type: int)
--opt_iter OPT_ITER How many gradient steps per update
(default: 1, type: int)
--eps_clip EPS_CLIP PPO epsilon clipping
(default: 0.2, type: float)
--ent_coef ENT_COEF PPO epsilon clipping
(default: 0.01, type: float)
--gamma GAMMA Discount factor
(default: 0.99, type: float)
--lr LR Learning rate
(default: 0.0001, type: float)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE Batch Size for Dataloader
(default: 1000, type: int)
--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE Buffer size for DQN
(default: 1000000, type: int)
--steps STEPS The number of steps to train
(default: 50000, type: int)
--num_trials NUM_TRIALS How many times to run a training of the model
(default: 1, type: int)
--n_eval_episodes N_EVAL_EPISODES The number of epochs to evaluate the model
(default: 100, type: int)
--m_evals M_EVALS How many times to run the evaluation with varying seeds
(default: 1, type: int)
--log_freq LOG_FREQ How often to log training values
(default: 1000, type: int)
--save_freq SAVE_FREQ How often to save instances of model, buffer and render
(default: 10000, type: int)
--wandb_mode WANDB_MODE use weights and biases to log information Modes=[online, offline, disabled]
(default: online, type: str)
--wandb_project WANDB_PROJECT Set weights and biases project name
(default: linkage_sb4, type: str)
--verbose VERBOSE verbose from sb3
(default: 0)
--cuda CUDA Which GPU to use [cpu, cuda:0, cuda:1, cuda:2, cuda:3]
(default: cpu, type: str)
--no_train If you don't want to train
(default: False, type: None)
--cmaes Further optimize best designs found with CMA-ES node optimization
(default: False, type: None)
├── data
│ ├── other_curves
│ │ ├── jansen_traj.pkl
│ │ ├── klann_traj.pkl
│ │ ├── strider_traj.pkl
│ │ └── trot_traj.pkl
│ └── test_curves
│ ├── dualloop.pkl
│ ├── eight.pkl
│ ├── hourglass.pkl
│ ├── letterB.pkl
│ ├── moon.pkl
│ ├── outerTrifoil.pkl
│ ├── triangle.pkl
│ └── trifoil.pkl
├── html
│ └── gcp_holo
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── linkage_gym
│ ├── models
│ ├── train.html
│ └── utils
├── __init__.py
├── linkage_gym
│ ├── envs
│ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ └── Mech.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── utils
│ ├── env_utils.py
│ ├── __init__.py
├── models
│ ├── a2c.py
│ ├── dqn.py
│ ├── gcpn.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── random_search.py
├── README.md
├── train.py **(main script)
└── utils
├── __init__.py
└── utils.py
title={GCP-HOLO: Generating High-Order Linkage Graphs for Path Synthesis},
author={Fogelson, Mitchell B. and Tucker, Conrad and Cagan, Jonathan},
journal={Journal of Mechanical Design},
publisher={American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
GCP-HOLO is freely available for academic or non-profit organizations' noncommercial research only. Please check the license file for further details.