This repository contains Kubernetes infrastructure configurations managed through ArgoCD, implementing a comprehensive monitoring, logging, and management stack.
- NGINX Ingress Controller: Manages external access to services
- Cert-Manager: Handles SSL/TLS certificate management
- Rancher: Kubernetes management platform
- Elasticsearch:
- Master Nodes: Manage cluster state and indices
- Data Nodes: Store and process data
- Coordinator Nodes: Handle client requests and search operations
- Kibana: Visualization and management interface for Elasticsearch
- Fluent Bit: Log collection and forwarding
- Prometheus: Metrics collection and storage
- Grafana: Metrics visualization and dashboarding
- Pre-configured with Kubernetes cluster and Node Exporter dashboards
- 3 Master nodes (dedicated control plane)
- 3 Data nodes with 100GB storage each
- 3 Coordinator nodes for load balancing
- NGINX Ingress Controller with LoadBalancer service
- Configured endpoints:
- Kibana:
- Grafana:
- Prometheus:
- Alertmanager:
- Rancher:
- Kubernetes cluster
- ArgoCD installed and configured
- Helm 3.x
- kubectl configured with cluster access
All applications are deployed and managed through ArgoCD. Each component is defined in its own directory with corresponding Kubernetes manifests:
├── elk-coordinator/ # Elasticsearch coordinator nodes
├── elk-data/ # Elasticsearch data nodes
├── elkmaster/ # Elasticsearch master nodes
├── fluentbit/ # Log collection
├── grafana/ # Metrics visualization
├── kibana/ # Elasticsearch UI
├── nginx-ingress/ # Ingress controller
├── prometheus/ # Metrics collection
└── rancher/ # Cluster management
- Elasticsearch:
- Master: 500m-1000m CPU, 1Gi-2Gi Memory
- Data: 1000m-2000m CPU, 2Gi-4Gi Memory
- Coordinator: 500m-1000m CPU, 1Gi-2Gi Memory
- Kibana: 500m-1000m CPU, 1Gi-2Gi Memory
- Grafana: Persistent storage of 10Gi
- Prometheus: Server storage of 50Gi
- Default admin credentials for Grafana: admin/admin123
- Default admin credentials for Rancher: admin/admin123
- X-Pack security is disabled in Elasticsearch (not recommended for production)
- Elasticsearch nodes can be scaled by modifying the
field in respective YAML files - Coordinator nodes are set to scale horizontally for load balancing
- Data nodes: 100GB per node
- Master nodes: 10GB per node
- Grafana: 10GB
- Prometheus: 50GB
- This setup uses soft anti-affinity for data and coordinator nodes, and hard anti-affinity for master nodes
- All components are configured with automated sync and self-healing through ArgoCD
- Namespace creation is automated for all components
- Enable X-Pack security in Elasticsearch
- Configure proper TLS certificates for all ingress endpoints
- Review and adjust resource allocations based on actual usage
- Implement proper backup strategies for persistent data
- Configure alerting rules in Prometheus/Alertmanager
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a new Pull Request