This is a simple Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain Bridge for minting tokens across different chains on testnet
We have two cross chain Smart contracts (Bridges)
- ETH Bridge
- BSC Bridge
We can transfer funds from one chain ( Bridge ) to other chain (Other Bridge).
From transferring from Eth to BSC , we burn tokens on Eth-bridge and mint on BSC-Bridge and vice verca. There is a Bridge API script that runs 24/7.It has an event handler for burn on Transfer Event of ETH-Bridge (We can add for BSC-Bridge too).
Whenever burn happens on Eth-Bridge , Transfer Event is fired and the API catches it. After API observe the burn event , it calls the mint function of the Binance Smart Chain Bridge and mint tokens there.
- Make Sure you have Installed Truffle Suit
- Clone the repository using the command `git clone`
- Open the newly created repository after cloning
- In the Truffle config , enter your own mnemonic
- In the scripts and migration files , enter the private keys and mnemonic by your own testwallets
- Run `npm install` in a new terminal by pressing ` CTRL+` `
- Run following commands for deploying Both the Bridges
Deploy Ethereum Bridge truffle migrate --network ethereum_testnet
The output will be like as follows
Deploy BSC Bridge truffle migrate --network bsc_testnet
The output will be like as follows
Check the Token Balances again by running following Commands
ETH Token Balance of the User : truffle exec scripts/balance.js --network ethereum_testnet ethereum
BSC Token Balance of the User : truffle exec scripts/balance.js --network bsc_testnet bsc
Arbitrum Token Balance of the User : truffle exec scripts/balance.js --network arbitrum_testnet arbitrum
same goes for optimism ,polygon and avalanche.
Time to run BSC Bridge for listening to the Burning event:
Type node scripts/eth-bsc-bridge.js
in the terminal
Now Open Another terminal and Run truffle exec scripts/eth-bsc-transfer.js --network ethereum_testnet
Let the transaction be completed.
Open the first terminal and you will see something like this
Check the Token Balances again by running following Commands
ETH Token Balance of the User : truffle exec scripts/eth-token-balance.js --network ethereum_testnet
BSC Token Balance of the User : truffle exec scripts/bsc-token-balance.js --network bsc_testnet