We use eslint along with airbnb js style guide and prettier to help you write succident and beautiful code!
In modern World of javascript, Typescript becomes a must, since it allows you to build typesafe js applications with less efforts, making them more reliable!
With jest and React Testing Library, you are allowed to build unit-tests in a smooth way!
Lint Staged is a tool that allows us to only play with the changes added to "staging" status in git, this is helpful when you only want to test to style-check the chagnes that have been pushed in staging.
Worrying about commiting shit code by accident ? Husky is right here for you, with it you can easily create git hooks, e.g: Building a "pre-commit" hook.
yarn dev
Run this command to build bundles.
yarn build
yarn start
yarn test:watch
yarn lint
Please make .husky/pre-commit executable
chmod +x .husky/pre-commit
Please run these two commands in separate tabs
yarn tailwind:watch
yarn storybook
Not yet decided which tool to go with Cypress of Playwright?.