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Regex pattern cheat sheet

Soumik Sarkar edited this page Mar 3, 2024 · 2 revisions

So you already know regex patterns? Here's how they map to this library.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional, many, some)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Regex.Text (REText)
import qualified Regex.Text as R
import qualified Data.CharSet as CS
-- The examples below use these imports.

Here we use the Text interface from the module Regex.Text. To parse Strings, use Regex.List instead, which is similar.

Pattern A possible corresponding RE Type of the RE
a R.char 'a' REText Char
[aeiou] R.oneOf "aeiou" REText Char
[a-z] R.oneOf CS.asciiLower REText Char
[A-F] R.oneOf (CS.fromRange ('A','F')) REText Char
[xyz0-9] R.oneOf ("xyz" <> CS.digit) REText Char
[^aeiou] R.oneOf (CS.not "aeiou") REText Char
. R.anyChar[1] REText Char
cat R.text "cat" REText Text
(cat)? optional (R.text "cat") REText (Maybe Text)
cat|dog R.text "cat" <|> R.text "dog" REText Text
(cat)(dog) liftA2 (,) (R.text "cat") (R.text "dog") REText (Text, Text)
(cat)* many (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat)+ some (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat){5} replicateM 5 (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat){5,} R.atLeast 5 (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat){,5} R.atMost 5 (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat){5,20} R.betweenCount (5,20) (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
.* R.manyText REText Text
.+ R.someText REText Text
[a-z]* R.manyTextOf CS.asciiLower REText Text
[a-z]+ R.someTextOf CS.asciiLower REText Text
(cat)?? R.optionalMin (R.text "cat") REText (Maybe Text)
(cat)*? R.manyMin (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat)+? R.someMin (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat){5,}? R.atLeastMin 5 (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat){,5}? R.atMostMin 5 (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
(cat){5,20}? R.betweenCountMin (5,20) (R.text "cat") REText [Text]
.*? R.manyTextMin REText Text
.+? R.someTextMin REText Text
[a-z]*? R.manyTextOfMin CS.asciiLower REText Text
[a-z]+? R.someTextOfMin CS.asciiLower REText Text

1"." may exclude newlines depending on the regex implementation, but anyChar always means any Char.

This library always matches the full text, so there is no equivalent of the markers ^ and $. Some features, such as boundary assertions, lookahead, and backreferences, are not supported.

While the above examples show how text matching with regex patterns translates to this library, do not forget that this is a parsing library! Use it for parsing appropriate values from Text when that is the right thing to do.

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