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Reduce clutter in Debug using overloaded strings (#7)
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meooow25 authored Mar 2, 2024
1 parent e9300ab commit 92d3b9e
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 52 deletions.
120 changes: 68 additions & 52 deletions src/Regex/Internal/Debug.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Regex.Internal.Debug
( reToDot
Expand All @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.String
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM

Expand All @@ -32,34 +33,34 @@ import qualified Regex.Internal.CharSet as CS
-- displayed.
reToDot :: forall c a. Maybe ([c], [c] -> String) -> RE c a -> String
reToDot ma re0 = execM $ do
writeLn $ showString "digraph RE {"
writeLn "digraph RE {"
_ <- go re0
writeLn $ showString "}"
writeLn "}"
go :: forall b. RE c b -> M Id
go re = case re of
RToken t -> new $ labelToken "RToken" t ma
RFmap st _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "RFmap" ... dispsSt st) $ \i ->
withNew ("RFmap" <+> dispsSt st) $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
RFmap_ _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "RFmap_") $ \i ->
withNew "RFmap_" $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
RPure _ -> new $ showString "RPure"
RPure _ -> new "RPure"
RLiftA2 st _ re1 re2 ->
withNew (showString "RLiftA2" ... dispsSt st) $ \i -> do
withNew ("RLiftA2" <+> dispsSt st) $ \i -> do
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
go re2 >>= writeEdge i
REmpty -> new $ showString "REmpty"
REmpty -> new "REmpty"
RAlt re1 re2 ->
withNew (showString "RAlt") $ \i -> do
withNew "RAlt" $ \i -> do
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
go re2 >>= writeEdge i
RFold st gr _ _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "RFold" ... dispsSt st ... dispsGr gr) $ \i ->
withNew ("RFold" <+> dispsSt st <+> dispsGr gr) $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
RMany _ _ _ _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "RMany") $ \i ->
withNew "RMany" $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i

Expand All @@ -72,58 +73,58 @@ reToDot ma re0 = execM $ do
-- characters displayed.
parserToDot :: forall c a. Maybe ([c], [c] -> String) -> Parser c a -> String
parserToDot ma p0 = execM $ do
writeLn $ showString "digraph Parser {"
writeLn "digraph Parser {"
_ <- go p0
writeLn $ showString "}"
writeLn "}"
go :: forall b. Parser c b -> M Id
go p = case p of
PToken t -> new $ labelToken "PToken" t ma
PFmap st _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "PFmap" ... dispsSt st) $ \i ->
withNew ("PFmap" <+> dispsSt st) $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
PFmap_ node ->
withNew (showString "PFmap_") $ \i -> do
writeLn $ showString ("subgraph cluster" ++ unId i ++ " {")
withNew "PFmap_" $ \i -> do
writeLn $ "subgraph cluster" <> idStr i <> " {"
j <- evalStateT (goNode node) IM.empty
writeLn $ showString "}"
writeLn "}"
writeEdge i j
PPure _ -> new $ showString "PPure"
PPure _ -> new "PPure"
PLiftA2 st _ re1 re2 ->
withNew (showString "PLiftA2" ... dispsSt st) $ \i -> do
withNew ("PLiftA2" <+> dispsSt st) $ \i -> do
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
go re2 >>= writeEdge i
PEmpty -> new $ showString "PEmpty"
PEmpty -> new "PEmpty"
PAlt _ re1 re2 res ->
withNew (showString "PAlt") $ \i -> do
withNew "PAlt" $ \i -> do
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
go re2 >>= writeEdge i
F.traverse_ (go >=> writeEdge i) res
PMany _ _ _ _ _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "PMany") $ \i ->
withNew "PMany" $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
PFoldGr _ st _ _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "PFoldGr" ... dispsSt st) $ \i ->
withNew ("PFoldGr" <+> dispsSt st) $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i
PFoldMn _ st _ _ re1 ->
withNew (showString "PFoldMn" ... dispsSt st) $ \i ->
withNew ("PFoldMn" <+> dispsSt st) $ \i ->
go re1 >>= writeEdge i

goNode :: forall b. Node c b -> StateT (IntMap Id) M Id
goNode n = case n of
NAccept _ -> lift $ new $ showString "NAccept"
NAccept _ -> lift $ new "NAccept"
NGuard u n1 -> do
v <- gets $ IM.lookup (unUnique u)
case v of
Just i -> pure i
Nothing -> withNewT (showString "NGuard") $ \i -> do
Nothing -> withNewT "NGuard" $ \i -> do
modify' $ IM.insert (unUnique u) i
goNode n1 >>= lift . writeEdge i
NToken t n1 ->
withNewT (labelToken "NToken" t ma) $ \i ->
goNode n1 >>= lift . writeEdge i
NEmpty -> lift $ new $ showString "NEmpty"
NAlt n1 n2 ns -> withNewT (showString "NAlt") $ \i -> do
NEmpty -> lift $ new "NEmpty"
NAlt n1 n2 ns -> withNewT "NAlt" $ \i -> do
goNode n1 >>= lift . writeEdge i
goNode n2 >>= lift . writeEdge i
F.traverse_ (goNode >=> lift . writeEdge i) ns
Expand All @@ -139,62 +140,77 @@ dispCharRanges = show . CS.ranges . CS.fromList
-- Common stuff

dispsSt :: Strictness -> ShowS
dispsSt st = showString $ case st of
newtype Str = Str { runStr :: String -> String }

instance IsString Str where
fromString = Str . (++)

instance Semigroup Str where
s1 <> s2 = Str (runStr s1 . runStr s2)

instance Monoid Str where
mempty = Str id

dispsSt :: Strictness -> Str
dispsSt st = case st of
Strict -> "S"
NonStrict -> "NS"

dispsGr :: Greediness -> ShowS
dispsGr gr = showString $ case gr of
dispsGr :: Greediness -> Str
dispsGr gr = case gr of
Greedy -> "G"
Minimal -> "M"

labelToken :: String -> (c -> Maybe a) -> Maybe ([c], [c] -> String) -> ShowS
labelToken :: String -> (c -> Maybe a) -> Maybe ([c], [c] -> String) -> Str
labelToken node t = maybe
(showString node)
(\(cs, disp) -> showString node ...
(showString . escape . disp) (filter (isJust . t) cs))
(fromString node)
(\(cs, disp) ->
fromString node <+>
(fromString . escape . disp) (filter (isJust . t) cs))

escape :: String -> String
escape = init . tail . show

(...) :: ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
s1 ... s2 = s1 . showChar ' ' . s2
infixr 9 ...
(<+>) :: Str -> Str -> Str
s1 <+> s2 = s1 <> " " <> s2
infixr 6 <+>

declNode :: Id -> ShowS -> ShowS
declNode :: Id -> Str -> Str
declNode i label =
showString (unId i) ...
showString "[label=\"" .
label .
showString "\", ordering=\"out\"]"
idStr i <+>
"[label=\"" <>
label <>
"\", ordering=\"out\"]"

type M = StateT Int (Writer (Endo String))
type M = StateT Int (Writer Str)

execM :: M a -> String
execM = ($ "") . appEndo . execWriter . flip runStateT 1
execM = ($ "") . runStr . execWriter . flip runStateT 1

newtype Id = Id { unId :: String }

idStr :: Id -> Str
idStr = fromString . unId

nxt :: M Id
nxt = state $ \i -> let !i' = i+1 in (Id (show i), i')

writeLn :: ShowS -> M ()
writeLn = lift . tell . Endo . (. showChar '\n')
writeLn :: Str -> M ()
writeLn = lift . tell . (<> "\n")

writeEdge :: Id -> Id -> M ()
writeEdge fr to = writeLn $ showString (unId fr ++ " -> " ++ unId to)
writeEdge fr to = writeLn $ idStr fr <> " -> " <> idStr to

new :: ShowS -> M Id
new :: Str -> M Id
new node = do
i <- nxt
writeLn $ declNode i node
pure i

withNew :: ShowS -> (Id -> M a) -> M Id
withNew :: Str -> (Id -> M a) -> M Id
withNew node f = runIdentityT $ withNewT node $ lift . f

withNewT :: (MonadTrans t, Monad (t M)) => ShowS -> (Id -> t M a) -> t M Id
withNewT :: (MonadTrans t, Monad (t M)) => Str -> (Id -> t M a) -> t M Id
withNewT node f = do
i <- lift $ new node
_ <- f i
Expand Down

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