Full Stack Developer (.NET Core - React/Angular)
I am Mehmet Emin Dağ, a graduate of Gazi University with a degree in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. In 2022, I participated in the Full Stack .Net Core bootcamp organized by BilgeAdam Academy and completed an internship as a .NET Core Developer at BilgeAdam Technology. During my internship, I contributed to the development of BilgeAdam Academy's exam system. Throughout the period in which I completed my university internships, I honed my skills in Monitoring, Tracing, Logging, Caching, Mapping, Containerization, Resiliency, Search, Secure and Storage. I have worked on projects using various SQL and NoSQL databases such as MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CosmosDB, DynamoDB and SQLite, as well as frontend technologies like ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS and Blazor, along with their respective packages. Currently, I am learning JavaScript-based structures such as NodeJS, ExpressJS and Motoko, aiming to strengthen my skills in these areas.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/memind1012/
Email: [email protected]