This is a very basic example of using the Morph directive (new in Quasar v1.13) across routes. (
There are 2 routes and 2 pages implemented. '/'
and '/other'
The morph model, which determines which morph element(s) in a group should be morphed to is based on a meta property on the route. You can base it on anything however.
Computed based on a route meta property:
morphModel () {
if (this.$route.meta.logoInTopBar) {
return 'top'
} else {
return 'main'
Computed base on route:
morphModel () {
if (this.$route.meta.logoInTopBar) {
return 'top'
} else {
return 'main'
It doesn't need to be base on a route. It would make sense to put model in a vuex store if using across routes. It doesn't have to be computed either. You could have a state object that is manually set when certain actions happen. The sky is the limit, probably.
The morph properties are defined as part of an object in this example, but can be defined as per the documentation examples like so
<some-element v-morph:name:group:duration="model" />
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