Manthan takes in a \varphi(X,Y) formula as input and returns Boolean function F(X) such that \exists Y \varphi(X, Y) = \varphi(X, F(X)). Manthan works at the intersection of machine learning, constrained sampling, and automated reasoning.
To read more about Manthan, have a look at CAV-20 paper and ICCAD-21 paper. You can also refer to the related slides and the talk video.
Clone Manthan
git clone
cd manthan
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Python 3.7+
To install the required dependencies, first do the following:
apt-get install build-essential cmake
apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev libreadline-dev libgmp-dev
apt install python3-venv
To install the required libraries, we create a python virtual environment. Do the following:
python3 -m venv manthan-venv
source manthan-venv/bin/activate
Now, to install requirements, do the following:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You might need to give root
permission. In that case, run:
sudo python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Manthan depends on:
- UNIQUE to extract the unique functions.
- Open-WBO and RC2 for MaxSAT queries
- PicoSAT to compute unsat core.
- Scikit-Learn to create decision trees to learn candidates.
- ABC to represent and manipulate Boolean functions.
- CMSGEN to sample satisfying assignments.
Now, let us build all dependencies:
chmod +x
./ --all
In dependencies\static_bin
directory, you can find 64-bit x86 Linux pre-compiled binaries for the required dependencies. If you like to proceed with pre-complied binaries instead of building them from the source, do not use all
option in ./
. Do the following:
chmod +x
First, you may need to activate the virtual environment:
source manthan-venv/bin/activate
Now, use Manthan to generate Skolem functions:
python <qdimacs input>
Let us consider benchmarks/test.qdimacs
p cnf 4 4
a 2 3 0
e 1 4 0
-1 2 0
-1 3 0
1 2 3 0
4 0
We need to find Skolem function corresponding to existentially quantified variables 1 and 4.
python benchmarks/test.qdimacs
starting Manthan
count X (universally qunatified variables) variables 2
count Y (existentially qunatified variables) variables 2
preprocessing: finding unates (constant functions)
count of positive unates 1
count of negative unates 0
finding uniquely defined functions
count of uniquely defined variables 0
generating weighted samples
generated samples.. learning candidate functions via decision learning
generated candidate functions for all variables.
verification check UNSAT
no more repair needed
number of repairs needed to converge 0
Manthan will store Skolem functions in a verilog file test_skolem.v
module SkolemFormula (i2, i3, o1, o4);
input i2, i3;
output o1, o4;
wire zero, one;
assign zero = 0;
assign one = 1;
wire w1;
wire w4;
wire wt3;
assign w1 = (( i2 & i3 & one ));
assign w4 = ( one );
assign wt3 = (~(w1 ^ o1)) & (~(w4 ^ o4));
assign o1 = w1;
assign o4 = w4;
In this, i2
and i3
represent universally quantified variables 2
and 3
, and o1
and o4
defines existentially quantified variables 1
and 4
. Skolem function corresponding to 1
is 2 & 3
whereas Skolem function corresponding to 4
is constant one.
you can also provide different option to consider for manthan:
python [options] <inputfile qdimacs>
To see detailed list of available option:
python --help
Few benchmarks are given in benchmarks
Full list of benchmarks used for our experiments is available here. The dataset includes qdimacs and verilog benchmarks.
Please click on "issues" at the top and create a new issue. All issues are responded to promptly.
author={Golia, Priyanka and Roy, Subhajit and Meel, Kuldeep S.},
title={Manthan: A Data-Driven Approach for Boolean Function Synthesis},
booktitle={Proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV)},
author={Golia, Priyanka and Slivovsky, Friedrich and Roy, Subhajit and Meel, Kuldeep S.},
title={Engineering an Efficient Boolean Functional Synthesis Engine},
booktitle={Proceedings of International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)},
- Priyanka Golia ([email protected])
- Subhajit Roy ([email protected])
- Kuldeep Meel ([email protected])