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Jason Davidson committed Nov 4, 2021
1 parent 89b7668 commit 2bf99a3
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Showing 5 changed files with 59 additions and 37 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ shutdownVaultServerProcess vs = do

vaultIsRunning :: VaultAddress -> IO Bool
vaultIsRunning addr = do
conn <- flip UnauthenticatedVaultConnection addr <$> defaultManager
conn <- flip unauthenticatedVaultConnection addr <$> defaultManager
(vaultHealth conn >> pure True) `catches`
[ Handler $ \(_ :: HttpException) -> pure False
, Handler $ \(_ :: VaultException) -> pure False
Expand Down
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions vault-tool-server/test/test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,13 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit

import Network.VaultTool
import Network.VaultTool.KeyValueV2
import Network.VaultTool.VaultServerProcess
import Network.VaultTool.VaultServerProcess (

withTempVaultBackend :: (VaultBackendConfig -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempVaultBackend action = withSystemTempDirectory "hs_vault" $ \tmpDir -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ talkToVault :: VaultAddress -> IO ()
talkToVault addr = do
manager <- defaultManager

let unauthConn = UnauthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr
let unauthConn = unauthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr

health <- vaultHealth unauthConn
_VaultHealth_Initialized health @?= False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ talkToVault addr = do
, _VaultSealStatus_Progress = 0

let authConn = AuthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr rootToken
let authConn = authenticatedVaultConnection manager addr rootToken

vaultNewMount authConn "secret" VaultMount
{ _VaultMount_Type = "kv"
Expand Down
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions vault-tool/src/Network/VaultTool.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,12 @@ module Network.VaultTool
, VaultAppRoleSecretId(..)
, VaultException(..)

, VaultConnection
, Unauthenticated
, Authenticated
, defaultManager
, authenticatedVaultConnection
, unauthenticatedVaultConnection

, VaultHealth(..)
, vaultHealth
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +57,6 @@ module Network.VaultTool
, vaultNewMount
, vaultUnmount

, VaultConnection (..)
, VaultMountedPath(..)
, VaultSearchPath(..)
, VaultSecretPath(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,8 +111,8 @@ defaultManager = newManager tlsManagerSettings
-- and then calls `connectToVault`
connectToVaultAppRole :: Manager -> VaultAddress -> VaultAppRoleId -> VaultAppRoleSecretId -> IO (VaultConnection Authenticated)
connectToVaultAppRole manager addr roleId secretId =
AuthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr <$>
vaultAppRoleLogin (UnauthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr) roleId secretId
authenticatedVaultConnection manager addr <$>
vaultAppRoleLogin (unauthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr) roleId secretId

-- | <>
Expand Down
48 changes: 19 additions & 29 deletions vault-tool/src/Network/VaultTool/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,57 +63,48 @@ newListRequest path = newRequest "LIST" path Nothing
withStatusCodes :: [Int] -> VaultRequest a -> VaultRequest a
withStatusCodes statusCodes req = req{vrExpectedStatuses = statusCodes}

vaultConnectionManager :: VaultConnection a -> Manager
vaultConnectionManager (UnauthenticatedVaultConnection m _) = m
vaultConnectionManager (AuthenticatedVaultConnection m _ _) = m

vaultAddress :: VaultConnection a -> VaultAddress
vaultAddress (UnauthenticatedVaultConnection _ a) = a
vaultAddress (AuthenticatedVaultConnection _ a _) = a

vaultRequest :: ToJSON a => VaultConnection b -> VaultRequest a -> IO BL.ByteString
vaultRequest conn VaultRequest{vrMethod, vrPath, vrBody, vrExpectedStatuses} = do
vaultRequest :: ToJSON a => Manager -> VaultAddress -> Maybe VaultAuthToken -> VaultRequest a -> IO BL.ByteString
vaultRequest manager addr mbToken VaultRequest{vrMethod, vrPath, vrBody, vrExpectedStatuses} = do
initReq <- case parseRequest absolutePath of
Nothing -> throwIO $ VaultException_InvalidAddress vrMethod vrPath
Just initReq -> pure initReq
let reqBody = maybe BL.empty encode vrBody
req = initReq
{ method = vrMethod
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS reqBody
, requestHeaders = requestHeaders initReq ++ authTokenHeader conn
, requestHeaders = requestHeaders initReq ++ authTokenHeader mbToken
rsp <- httpLbs req (vaultConnectionManager conn)
rsp <- httpLbs req manager
let s = statusCode (responseStatus rsp)
unless (s `elem` vrExpectedStatuses) $ do
throwIO $ VaultException_BadStatusCode vrMethod vrPath reqBody s (responseBody rsp)
pure (responseBody rsp)
absolutePath = T.unpack $ T.intercalate "/" [unVaultAddress (vaultAddress conn), "v1", vrPath]
absolutePath = T.unpack $ T.intercalate "/" [unVaultAddress addr, "v1", vrPath]

authTokenHeader :: VaultConnection a -> RequestHeaders
authTokenHeader (UnauthenticatedVaultConnection _ _) = mempty
authTokenHeader (AuthenticatedVaultConnection _ _ (VaultAuthToken token)) =
[("X-Vault-Token", T.encodeUtf8 token)]
authTokenHeader = maybe mempty toHeader
toHeader (VaultAuthToken token) = [("X-Vault-Token", T.encodeUtf8 token)]

runVaultRequestAuthenticated :: (FromJSON b, ToJSON a) => VaultConnection Authenticated -> VaultRequest a -> IO b
runVaultRequestAuthenticated = runVaultRequest
runVaultRequestAuthenticated conn req =
runAuthenticatedVaultConnection (\m a t -> runVaultRequest m a (Just t) req) conn

runVaultRequestUnauthenticated :: (FromJSON b, ToJSON a) => VaultConnection c -> VaultRequest a -> IO b
runVaultRequestUnauthenticated conn = runVaultRequest (asUnathenticated conn)
runVaultRequestUnauthenticated conn req =
runAnyVaultConnection (\m a -> runVaultRequest m a Nothing req) conn

runVaultRequest :: (FromJSON b, ToJSON a) => VaultConnection c -> VaultRequest a -> IO b
runVaultRequest conn req@VaultRequest{vrMethod, vrPath} = do
rspBody <- vaultRequest conn req
runVaultRequest :: (FromJSON b, ToJSON a) => Manager -> VaultAddress -> Maybe VaultAuthToken -> VaultRequest a -> IO b
runVaultRequest manager addr mbToken req@VaultRequest{vrMethod, vrPath} = do
rspBody <- vaultRequest manager addr mbToken req
case eitherDecode' rspBody of
Left err -> throwIO $ VaultException_ParseBodyError vrMethod vrPath rspBody (T.pack err)
Right x -> pure x

runVaultRequestAuthenticated_ :: (ToJSON a) => VaultConnection Authenticated -> VaultRequest a -> IO ()
runVaultRequestAuthenticated_ conn = void . vaultRequest conn
runVaultRequestAuthenticated_ conn req =
void $ runAuthenticatedVaultConnection (\m a t -> vaultRequest m a (Just t) req) conn

runVaultRequestUnauthenticated_ :: (ToJSON a) => VaultConnection a -> VaultRequest a -> IO ()
runVaultRequestUnauthenticated_ conn = void . vaultRequest (asUnathenticated conn)

asUnathenticated :: VaultConnection a -> VaultConnection Unauthenticated
asUnathenticated conn@(UnauthenticatedVaultConnection _ _) = conn
asUnathenticated (AuthenticatedVaultConnection m c _) = UnauthenticatedVaultConnection m c
runVaultRequestUnauthenticated_ conn req =
void $ runAnyVaultConnection (\m a -> vaultRequest m a Nothing req) conn
24 changes: 23 additions & 1 deletion vault-tool/src/Network/VaultTool/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,13 @@ module Network.VaultTool.Types (
VaultAppRoleSecretId (..),
VaultAppRoleSecretIdAccessor (..),
VaultAuthToken (..),
VaultConnection (..),
VaultException (..),
VaultMountedPath (..),
VaultSearchPath (..),
Expand All @@ -24,14 +28,32 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)

-- |The APIs exported by this library expect a 'VaultConnection' which is used to know where a vault server is and how
-- to talk to it. The type parameter is used to distinguish between 'Unauthenticated' and 'Authenticated' requests. When
-- a function takes a polymorphic connection (VaultConnection a), either type of connection can be used.
data VaultConnection a where
UnauthenticatedVaultConnection :: Manager -> VaultAddress -> VaultConnection Unauthenticated
AuthenticatedVaultConnection :: Manager -> VaultAddress -> VaultAuthToken -> VaultConnection Authenticated

-- |Used as a type argument when constructing a 'VaultConnection'. Designates an unauthenticated connection.
data Unauthenticated

-- |Used as a type argument when constructing a 'VaultConnection'. Designates an authenticated connection.
data Authenticated

authenticatedVaultConnection :: Manager -> VaultAddress -> VaultAuthToken -> VaultConnection Authenticated
authenticatedVaultConnection = AuthenticatedVaultConnection

unauthenticatedVaultConnection :: Manager -> VaultAddress -> VaultConnection Unauthenticated
unauthenticatedVaultConnection = UnauthenticatedVaultConnection

runAnyVaultConnection :: (Manager -> VaultAddress -> b) -> VaultConnection a -> b
runAnyVaultConnection f (UnauthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr) = f manager addr
runAnyVaultConnection f (AuthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr _) = f manager addr

runAuthenticatedVaultConnection :: (Manager -> VaultAddress -> VaultAuthToken -> a) -> VaultConnection Authenticated -> a
runAuthenticatedVaultConnection f (AuthenticatedVaultConnection manager addr token) = f manager addr token

newtype VaultAddress = VaultAddress { unVaultAddress :: Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

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