Thanks to the startship-enterprise demo created by my colleagues at DataStax for the terraform inspiration.
Currently there are a lot of assumption about the knowledge required to run this demonstration. We'll improve and add more detail over time. There are 2 parts to this demo:
- Terraform script - to provision the Astra DB which would include any security (IP lists, private links, custom roles) and keyspace information.
- Astra cql script - to configure the data model
The idea is to coordinate these 2 basic tasks above in a more comprehensive CI/CD automation and leverage Infrastrucure As Code to bring speed and consistency in all deployments. In this demo we use concourse pipeline automates the process.
Currently there is an expecation that the links below would be sufficient to setup the environment. It is primarily concourse that is currently deployed in kubernetes. For a local environment with a powerful enough machine you can use docker with kind.
- kind to run a local kubernetes cluster
- used to manage the CI/CD automation
- for Infrastructure As Code
- [](Astra terraform provider)
- Configure terraform to use an [](remote state data source). You can find details on how to setup the [](terraform state store in Azure storage) link.
We are using kind to run concourse
$ kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml --name concourse
$ kubectl cluster-info --context kind-concourse
We are running concourse in the local kind kubernetes cluster
Concourse can be accessed:
Within your cluster, at the following DNS name at port 8080:
From outside the cluster, run these commands in the same shell:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=my-release-web" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") echo "Visit to use Concourse" kubectl port-forward --namespace default $POD_NAME 8080:8080
You can then download the fly CLI and create a target for your concourse deployment:
$ fly -t local login -c -u test -p test
You can run terraform locally, though this current version is configure to use the [azurerm](remote backend).
$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var-file="../SECRETS/terraform.tfvars"
All secrets are provided as environment variable to the pipeline. We would typicaly store them in a secrets store.
$ cd pipeline
$ fly -t local set-pipeline -p astra-devops --config pipeline.yml --var "astra_token=$ASTRA_TOKEN" --var "astra_client_id=$ASTRA_CLIENT_ID" --var "astra_client_secret=$ASTRA_CLIENT_SECRET" --var "arm_access_key=$ARM_ACCESS_KEY" --load-vars-from vars.yml