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⚡ The fastest JS validator library for NodeJS


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⚡ The fastest JS validator library for NodeJS.

If you like my work, please donate. Thank you!

Key features

  • fast! Really!
  • 13 built-in validators
  • custom validators
  • nested objects & array handling
  • strict object validation
  • multiple validators
  • customizable error messages
  • programmable error object
  • no dependencies
  • unit tests & 100% coverage

How fast?

Very fast! ~5 million validations/sec (on Intel i7-4770K, Node.JS: 8.11.0)

√ validate with pre-compiled schema         5,460,129 rps

Compared to other popular libraries:


100x faster than Joi.

Would you like to test it?

$ git clone
$ cd fastest-validator
$ npm install
$ npm run bench



You can install it via NPM.

$ npm install fastest-validator --save


$ yarn add fastest-validator


Simple method

Call the validate method with the object and the schema.

If performance is important, you won't use this method.

let Validator = require("fastest-validator");

let v = new Validator();

const schema = {
    id: { type: "number", positive: true, integer: true },
    name: { type: "string", min: 3, max: 255 },
    status: "boolean" // short-hand def

console.log(v.validate({ id: 5, name: "John", status: true }, schema));
// Returns: true

console.log(v.validate({ id: 5, name: "Al", status: true }, schema));
/* Returns an array with errors:
            type: 'stringMin',
            expected: 3,
            actual: 2,
            field: 'name',
            message: 'The \'name\' field length must be greater than or equal to 3 characters long!'

Try it on Runkit

Fast method

In this case, the first step is to compile the schema to a compiled "checker" function. After that, to validate your object, just call this "checker" function.

This method is ~10x faster than the "simple method".

let Validator = require("fastest-validator");

let v = new Validator();

var schema = {
    id: { type: "number", positive: true, integer: true },
    name: { type: "string", min: 3, max: 255 },
    status: "boolean" // short-hand def

var check = v.compile(schema);

console.log(check({ id: 5, name: "John", status: true }));
// Returns: true

console.log(check({ id: 2, name: "Adam" }));
/* Returns an array with errors:
            type: 'required',
            field: 'status',
            message: 'The \'status\' field is required!'

Try it on Runkit

Browser usage

<script src=""></script>
var v = new FastestValidator();

const schema = {
    id: { type: "number", positive: true, integer: true },
    name: { type: "string", min: 3, max: 255 },
    status: "boolean" // short-hand def

const check = v.compile(schema);

console.log(check({ id: 5, name: "John", status: true }));
// Returns: true

Optional & required fields

Every field in the schema will be required by default. If you'd like to define optional fields, set optional: true.

let schema = {
    name: { type: "string" }, // required
    age: { type: "number", optional: true }

v.validate({ name: "John", age: 42 }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ name: "John" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ age: 42 }, schema); // Fail

Strict validation

Object properties which are not specified on the schema are ignored by default. If you set the $$strict option to true any aditional properties will result in an strictObject error.

let schema = {
    name: { type: "string" }, // required
    $$strict: true // no additional properties allowed

v.validate({ name: "John" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ name: "John", age: 42 }, schema); // Fail

Multiple validators

It is possible to define more validators for a field. In this case, only one validator needs to succeed for the field to be valid.

let schema = {
    cache: [
        { type: "string" },
        { type: "boolean" }

v.validate({ cache: true }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ cache: "redis://" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ cache: 150 }, schema); // Fail

Built-in validators


This does not do type validation. Accepts any types.

let schema = {
    prop: { type: "any" }

v.validate({ prop: true }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ prop: 100 }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ prop: "John" }, schema); // Valid


This is an Array validator.

Simple example with strings:

let schema = {
    roles: { type: "array", items: "string" }

v.validate({ roles: ["user"] }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ roles: [] }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ roles: "user" }, schema); // Fail

Example with only positive numbers:

let schema = {
    list: { type: "array", min: 2, items: {
        type: "number", positive: true, integer: true
    } }

v.validate({ list: [2, 4] }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ list: [1, 5, 8] }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ list: [1] }, schema); // Fail (min 2 elements)
v.validate({ list: [1, -7] }, schema); // Fail (negative number)

Example with an object list:

let schema = {
    users: { type: "array", items: {
        type: "object", props: {
            id: { type: "number", positive: true },
            name: { type: "string", empty: false },
            status: "boolean"
    } }

    users: [
        { id: 1, name: "John", status: true },
        { id: 2, name: "Jane", status: true },
        { id: 3, name: "Bill", status: false }
}, schema); // Valid


Property Default Description
empty true If true, the validator accepts an empty array [].
min null Minimum count of elements.
max null Maximum count of elements.
length null Fix count of elements.
contains null The array must contain this element too.
enum null Every element must be an element of the enum array.

Example for enum:

let schema = {
    roles: { type: "array", items: "string", enum: [ "user", "admin" ] }

v.validate({ roles: ["user"] }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ roles: ["user", "admin"] }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ roles: ["guest"] }, schema); // Fail


This is a Boolean validator.

let schema = {
    status: { type: "boolean" }

v.validate({ status: true }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ status: false }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ status: 1 }, schema); // Fail
v.validate({ status: "true" }, schema); // Fail


Property Default Description
convert false if true and the type is not Boolean, try to convert. 1, "true", "1", "on" will be true. 0, "false", "0", "off" will be false.


This is a Date validator.

let schema = {
    dob: { type: "date" }

v.validate({ dob: new Date() }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ dob: new Date(1488876927958) }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ dob: 1488876927958 }, schema); // Fail


Property Default Description
convert false if true and the type is not Date, try to convert with new Date().


This is an e-mail address validator.

let schema = {
    email: { type: "email" }

v.validate({ email: "[email protected]" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ email: "[email protected]" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ email: "abc@gmail" }, schema); // Fail


Property Default Description
mode quick Checker method. Can be quick or precise.


This is an enum validator.

let schema = {
    sex: { type: "enum", values: ["male", "female"] }

v.validate({ sex: "male" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ sex: "female" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ sex: "other" }, schema); // Fail


Property Default Description
values null The valid values.


This validator returns an error if the property exists in the object.

let schema = {
    password: { type: "forbidden" }

v.validate({ user: "John" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ user: "John", password: "pass1234" }, schema); // Fail


This a Functionvalidator.

let schema = {
    show: { type: "function" }

v.validate({ show: function() {} }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ show: }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ show: null }, schema); // Fail


This is a Number validator.

let schema = {
    age: { type: "number" }

v.validate({ age: 123 }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ age: 5.65 }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ age: "100" }, schema); // Fail


Property Default Description
min null Minimum value.
max null Maximum value.
equal null Fixed value.
notEqual null Can't be equal to this value.
integer false The value must be a non-decimal value.
positive false The value must be greater than zero.
negative false The value must be less than zero.
convert false if true and the type is not Number, tries to convert with parseFloat.


This is a nested object validator.

let schema = {
    address: { type: "object", props: {
        country: { type: "string" },
        city: "string", // short-hand
        zip: "number" // short-hand
    } }

    address: {
        country: "Italy",
        city: "Rome",
        zip: 12345
}, schema); // Valid

    address: {
        country: "Italy",
        city: "Rome"
}, schema); // Fail ("The '' field is required!")


Property Default Description
strict false if true any properties which are not defined on the schema will throw an error.


This is a String.

let schema = {
    name: { type: "string" }

v.validate({ name: "John" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ name: "" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ name: 123 }, schema); // Fail


Property Default Description
empty true If true, the validator accepts an empty string "".
min null Minimum value length.
max null Maximum value length.
length null Fixed value length.
pattern null Regex pattern.
contains null The value must contain this text.
enum null The value must be an element of the enum array.
alpha null The value must be an alphabetic string.
numeric null The value must be a numeric string.
alphanum null The value must be an alphanumeric string.
alphadash null The value must be an alphabetic string that contains dashes.


This is an URL validator.

let schema = {
    url: { type: "url" }

v.validate({ url: "" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ url: "" }, schema); // Valid
v.validate({ url: "" }, schema); // Fail


This is an UUID validator.

let schema = {
    uuid: { type: "uuid" }

v.validate({ uuid: "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a" }, schema); // Valid UUIDv4
v.validate({ uuid: "9a7b330a-a736-51e5-af7f-feaf819cdc9f" }, schema); // Valid UUIDv5
v.validate({ uuid: "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a", version: 5 }, schema); // Fail


Property Default Description
version 4 UUID version in range 1-5.

Custom validator

You can also create your custom validator.

let v = new Validator({
    messages: {
        // Register our new error message text
        evenNumber: "The '{field}' field must be an even number! Actual: {actual}"

// Register a custom 'even' validator
v.add("even", value => {
    if (value % 2 != 0)
        return v.makeError("evenNumber", null, value);

    return true;

const schema = {
    name: { type: "string", min: 3, max: 255 },
    age: { type: "even" }

console.log(v.validate({ name: "John", age: 20 }, schema));
// Returns: true

console.log(v.validate({ name: "John", age: 19 }, schema));
/* Returns an array with errors:
        type: 'evenNumber',
        expected: null,
        actual: 19,
        field: 'age',
        message: 'The \'age\' field must be an even number! Actual: 19'

Or you can use the custom type with an inline checker function:

let v = new Validator({
	messages: {
		// Register our new error message text
		weightMin: "The weight must be greater than {expected}! Actual: {actual}"

const schema = {
	name: { type: "string", min: 3, max: 255 },
	weight: {
		type: "custom",
		minWeight: 10,
		check(value, schema) {
			return (value < schema.minWeight)
				? this.makeError("weightMin", schema.minWeight, value)
				: true;

console.log(v.validate({ name: "John", weight: 50 }, schema));
// Returns: true

console.log(v.validate({ name: "John", weight: 8 }, schema));
/* Returns an array with errors:
		type: 'weightMin',
		expected: 10,
		actual: 8,
		field: 'weight',
		message: 'The weight must be greater than 10! Actual: 8'

Custom error messages (l10n)

You can set your custom messages in the validator constructor.

const Validator = require("fastest-validator");
const v = new Validator({
    messages: {
        stringMin: "A(z) '{field}' mező túl rövid. Minimum: {expected}, Jelenleg: {actual}",
        stringMax: "A(z) '{field}' mező túl hosszú. Minimum: {expected}, Jelenleg: {actual}"

v.validate({ name: "John" }, { name: { type: "string", min: 6 }});
/* Returns:
        type: 'stringMin',
        expected: 6,
        actual: 4,
        field: 'name',
        message: 'A(z) \'name\' mező túl rövid. Minimum: 6, Jelenleg: 4'

Personalised Messages

Sometimes the standard messages are too generic. You can customise messages per validation type per field:

const Validator = require("fastest-validator");
const v = new Validator();
const schema = {
    firstname: {
        type: "string",
        min: 6,
        messages: {
            string: "Please check your firstname",
            stringMin: "Your firstname is too short"
    lastname: {
        type: "string",
        min: 6,
        messages: {
            string: "Please check your lastname",
            stringMin: "Your lastname is too short"
v.validate({ firstname: "John", lastname: 23 }, schema );
/* Returns:
        type: 'stringMin',
        expected: 6,
        actual: 4,
        field: 'firstname',
        message: 'Your firstname is too short'
        type: 'string',
        expected: undefined,
        actual: undefined,
        field: 'lastname',
        message: 'Please check your lastname'

Message types

Name Default text
required The '{field}' field is required!
string The '{field}' field must be a string!
stringEmpty The '{field}' field must not be empty!
stringMin The '{field}' field length must be greater than or equal to {expected} characters long!
stringMax The '{field}' field length must be less than or equal to {expected} characters long!
stringLength The '{field}' field length must be {expected} characters long!
stringPattern The '{field}' field fails to match the required pattern!
stringContains The '{field}' field must contain the '{expected}' text!
stringEnum The '{field}' field does not match any of the allowed values!
number The '{field}' field must be a number!
numberMin The '{field}' field must be greater than or equal to {expected}!
numberMax The '{field}' field must be less than or equal to {expected}!
numberEqual The '{field}' field must be equal with {expected}!
numberNotEqual The '{field}' field can't be equal with {expected}!
numberInteger The '{field}' field must be an integer!
numberPositive The '{field}' field must be a positive number!
numberNegative The '{field}' field must be a negative number!
array The '{field}' field must be an array!
arrayEmpty The '{field}' field must not be an empty array!
arrayMin The '{field}' field must contain at least {expected} items!
arrayMax The '{field}' field must contain less than or equal to {expected} items!
arrayLength The '{field}' field must contain {expected} items!
arrayContains The '{field}' field must contain the '{expected}' item!
arrayEnum The '{field} field value '{expected}' does not match any of the allowed values!
boolean The '{field}' field must be a boolean!
function The '{field}' field must be a function!
date The '{field}' field must be a Date!
dateMin The '{field}' field must be greater than or equal to {expected}!
dateMax The '{field}' field must be less than or equal to {expected}!
forbidden The '{field}' field is forbidden!
email The '{field}' field must be a valid e-mail!

Message fields

Name Description
field The field name
expected The expected value
actual The actual value
type The field type


npm run dev


npm test

Coverage report

File             |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files        |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
 lib             |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  messages.js    |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  validator.js   |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
 lib/helpers     |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  deep-extend.js |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  flatten.js     |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
 lib/rules       |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  any.js         |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  array.js       |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  boolean.js     |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  custom.js      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  date.js        |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  email.js       |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  enum.js        |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  forbidden.js   |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  function.js    |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  number.js      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  object.js      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  string.js      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  url.js         |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
  uuid.js        |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |


Please send pull requests improving the usage and fixing bugs, improving documentation and providing better examples, or providing some tests, because these things are important.


fastest-validator is available under the MIT license.


Copyright (C) 2017 Icebob

@icebob @icebob


⚡ The fastest JS validator library for NodeJS







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