- Shivank Garg - 160658
- Mayank Sharma - 160392
User struct stores all the credentials of user, and this structure is encrypted with SymmetricKey (Argon2(password)) to assure confidentiality. We use HMAC to check integrity. It needs to be updated regulary, since FileKeys may change. FileKeys acts like a hashMap which stores FileSharingKey that is used to encrypt Block.Content.
Data Struct will be directly stored in Marshalled form in DataStore. Any person (or Datastore itself) who wishes to access the Users or Files or FileBlocks firstly has to Unmarshal this structure, then access its fields.
When a user is created, a new pair of Pub/Priv Keys are generated and the PrivKey is stored in encrypted form in User struct,EDIT1: while PubKey is stored in KeyStore. When GetUser is called, the given Argon2(password) is used to Decrypt the whole User Struct, verify integrity with HMAC and return th accordingly.
This stores the complete metadata about the various blocks created by a user. When StoreFile is called, we generate a GenesisUUIDNonce and use it to create a HashValue, which is used to index into the FileBlocks map of Data Struct. To maintain confidentiality, we use hashedValues instead of direct usernames. Similarly, whenever the user performs an AppendFile operation, a new Block is created and LastUUIDNonce and LastBlock is updated.
Suppose Alice creates new file ”foobar”. Filename is hashed (confidentiality) and this hash is used to index into User.FileKeys where a newly generated FileSharingKey is created. This acts like a Symmetric Key for encrypting/decrypting a ”MetaData”. A GenesisBlock is created which, which is indexed by HashValue (Owner + FilenameMap [ Owner ] + uuid as nonce) into the Data.FileBlocks map. The content of Block is encrypted with CFBEncryption (key=FileSharingKey) which is owned by the Owner.
When we AppendFile(), a new Block is created, MetaData.LastUUIDNonce is generated & LastBlock is filled with HashValue(LastEditBy + FilenameMap [ Owner ] + uuid as nonce ) and stored in Data.FileBlocks map.
The User.FileKeys map stores the currently used FileSharingKey for a certain filename (indexed with hash(filename)).
Suppose Bob wants to share a file (”foobar”) with Alice. He encrypts ”foobar” FileSharingKey with Alice’s public key (which he fetched from keystore), and digitally signs this with his own private key to maintain confidentiality and integrity (communication medium is insecure). Alice, upon receiving this verifies signature, and decrypt the message with her PrivateKey, to get the FileSharingKey which was used to encrypt ”foobar”s MetaData. When Alice calls ReceiveFile(), and assigns some new name (say ”slowmo”) to this file, she keeps track of ”slowmo” in MetaData.FilenameMap (indexed with hash(”slowmo”). This hashing is done so as to ensure that Bob doesn’t knows what name Alice calls her file (and vice-versa). If now Alice appends something, she will call AppendFile, which will update LastEditBy (with the hash(”Alice”)).
The rationale behind not storing ”Alice” directly into LastEditBy is that if Bob revokes access at sometime later, and then gives access to Charlie, Charlie should’t be able to know that Alice once had access to this file, hence ensuring confidentiality.
Note: In our design, we don’t allow anyone except the Owner to revoke access to the shared file. Only the owner can revoke accesses that too of all the other persons in one go.
For Revoking the access, Owner (say Bob) changes the FileSharingKey itself. He will have to generate a new FileSharingKey, then use the older key to decrypt all Blocks, then re-encrypt them with new key. Finally, once this is done, Bob will re-encrypt the MetaData with his new Key, thereby blocking access to Alice completely of any read/write that she was able to perform earlier.
The above design ensures that sharing is ”transitive” meaning if Bob shares with Alice and Alice shares with Charlie, all three of them access the same file, albeit with their own file-names.
type User struct {
Username string // Username need not be encrypted with symmetric key
SymmetricKey []byte // Argon2(password), given, password has high entropy
PrivateKey userlib.PrivateKey // Encrypted with the Symmetric Key
FileKeys map[string]FileCredentials // Indexed by filename to FileSharingKey
MetadataIndex map[string]string // Indexed by filename to file's metadata index
HMAC []byte // H(username + SymmetricKey + PrivateKey + FileKeys)
type FileSharingKey []byte
// You may want to define what you actually want to pass as a
// sharingRecord to serialized/deserialize in the data store.
type sharingRecord struct {
MetadataIndex string
MetadataIV []byte
FileKey []byte
UUIDnonce uuid.UUID
RSAsignature []byte
type FileCredentials struct {
MetaDataIV []byte
FileKey FileSharingKey
type MetaData struct {
Owner string
LastEditBy string // hash(LastEditByUserName)
FilenameMap map[string][]byte // Map from hash(username) to encrypted filename for that user (encrypted with symmetric key of that user)
GenesisBlock string // HashValue(Owner + FilenameMap[Owner] + uuid nonce)
GenesisUUIDNonce uuid.UUID
LastBlock string // HashValue(LastEditBy + FilenameMap[LastEditBy] + uuid nonce)
LastUUIDNonce uuid.UUID
LastBlockIV []byte
HMAC []byte // HMAC(key = FileSharingKey, Data = Owner, LastEditBy, LastEditTime, GenesisBlock, GenesisBlockNonce, LastUUIDNonce, LastBlock)
type Block struct {
Owner string
Content []byte
PrevBlockHash string
PrevBlockIV []byte
HMAC []byte