For the MSRLSTM model implementation code, please refer to:
Language Support: Simplified Chinese, English
Stable Branch: master
Feature Branch: online-learning <- Default
Fastest Branch: offline-learning
TMDMobileNG是C/S系统中的客户端部分。它不仅是一个传感器数据采集器也是一个基于AI的人工智能交通模式识别器。模型在服务器端持续进行更新。App主要用于科研用途。我们非常欢迎你提供对于我们程序的建议或者识别方式的建议。 TMDMobileNG is the client side of C/S system. It's both a sensor collector and an AI transportation mode detector. The model is being updated on the server side. And this application is mostly for research use. It will be great if you provide your suggestions about our Application or the detection way itself.
本App是TMDMobile的下一代产品。我们尝试使用了Kotlin语言并基于安卓架构组件进行开发。我们认为这样可以改善App运行时性能,同时也能提高用户体验和开发者体验。时间紧迫,App构建仓促,可能存在潜在问题。我们期待你的建议与问题。 This Application is the next generation version of TMDMobile. We are trying to use Android Architecture Components with Kotlin to help improve the performance during runtime as well as both user experience and developer experience. The application didn't architect so well due to the urgent deadline. Any suggestions or bug reports will help us a lot.