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Rooster importer from Excel to Google Calendar

The following application is a tool to read Micro$oft Excel files in a specific format, and find a particular row (that starts with a name) of which to imterpret cells as calendar events.

Preview image


This application can be built with go build ., or run with go run main.go. A Nix flake is provided with the required X11 binaries. The idea is that this is also runnable on windows. Cross compilation can be done with fyne-cross. I used the following command:

fyne-cross windows --app-id Rooster.Fixer --icon Icon.png

# Using the build script that is also provided in the flake.nix:

Note that you will get warnings about how dangerous it is to run untrusted applications when you try to execute this (as it is not signed).

Expected Excel file structure

The following table is an example of what the Excel file should look like

... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... 2023-01-10 2023-01-11 2023-01-12
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
Firstname Lastname X Y Y
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

It expects your Excel file to follow a similar structure as the table above:

  • Before finding the row that contains schedule information, first a row that maps each column to a particular date needs to be defined (above the schedule row). There are some requirements for when a row is considered to be a date row:
    • There need to be at least 10 dates

    • Dates need to appear in consecutive order: the cell to the left of a date must contain the date before, and the cell to the right must contain the date after. This is to prevent having mixups between normal date formats and American date formats, where a month might be misinterpreted as a day.

    • Several date formats are supported. The format should be specified with one of Excel's default formats. I don't know what that means as I do not use Excel. The Excel formats that are supported are:

      • mm-dd-yy
      • d-mmm-yy (02-Jan-06)
      • m/d/yy h:mm

      And two fallback formats are given, which it will try in case you cannot figure out the Excel formatting like a normal person:

      • yyyy-m-d
      • d-m-yyyy
  • The first column will eventually contain a name. This name will be searched for via case sensitive prefix matching. E.g. Fi will match the name Firstname Lastname, but firstname Lastname will not (because f is lowercase, but the file contains Firstname with uppercase).

Note: the Excel reader will look at all sheets of the Excel file. If any sheet will not have matches, the program will display a warning and continue. If a processing error occurs, the program will display this error and abort. This means that if a sheet contains the name of the person, it must also contain a series of dates above it so that no processing error occurs.

The schedule format

Currently the schedule format is hardcoded. The file pkg/domain/events.go is currently responsible for translating the contents of a cell + a date to a suitable calendar entry.

Google Calendar API integration

There are several steps required for getting the Google calendar API to work. In terms of API scopes, this application needs the following scopes:

  • for creating events, and reading events in order to deduplicate them
  • for selecting one of your calendars

Create a new app in the Google Cloud console, and choose the OAuth2 setup with these scopes. After downloading the credentials the return URL needs to be modified from http://localhost to http://localhost:10321 in order to not require firewall configuration for receiving the user's token. Th credentials must be placed in a JSON file at ./pkg/calendar/credentials.json. Failing to do so will yield compile errors, as this file gets embedded in the final application. See ./pkg/calendar/calendar.go.

Application design

The application is roughly split up in 4 modules:

  1. The domain module, which serves as a bridge between the three other modules. It also contains business logic to convert the contents of a cell to a calendar event (text, and datetime information).
  2. The UI module, which is a wrapper around a Fyne window and is set up in such a way that it receives events over a channel (so that it can run asynchronously) and display things that match these events accordingly.
  3. The excelreader module, which is solely responsible for finding the date rows, finding the correct schedule row, and associating schedule columns to a particular date.
  4. The calendar module, which has the ability to list calendars, list events in a calendar, and create new events in a calendar.

The application flow, and the way the modules interact with each other roughly works in the following way:

    participant Google Calendar
    actor User
    participant UI
    participant domain
    participant reader
    participant calendar

    User ->> UI: Fill in name
    User ->> UI: Select Excel file
    UI ->> domain: Set selected Excel file
    domain ->> reader: Parse Excel file
    reader ->> domain: Set entries from file
    domain ->> UI: Show preview of entries
    User ->> UI: Log in
    UI ->> calendar: Start OAuth2 flow
    calendar ->> User: Send browser to Google Calendar
    calendar ->> calendar: Start webserver for receiving token
    User ->> Google Calendar: Accept scopes
    Google Calendar ->> calendar: User token
    calendar ->> domain: Logged in
    domain ->> UI: Show logged in state
    User ->> UI: Choose calendar
    UI ->> domain: Set chosen calendar
    domain ->> calendar: Fetch events from calendar
    calendar ->> domain: Set existing events
    domain ->> domain: Deduplicate existing events
    User ->> UI: Click upload button
    UI ->> domain: Start uploading events
    domain ->> calendar: Create events
    domain ->> UI: Uploading done

Future work

  • Add the ability to customize the cellcontent <-> event mapping table
  • Refactor the message passing from domain to UI so that the UI is less coupled to the domain and vice-versa
  • Add some fixtures for testing the reader module
  • Don't use context.TODO() but instead propagate contexts like you're supposed to
  • Make sure the UI state doesn't get messed up (not sure how yet)


Import je rooster into Google Calendar






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