Example project to show a bug in Xcode’s new build system related to development pods.
We have a project structure where we have a library included via cocoapods as a so-called development-pod. Whenever changes are made in a file inside the library they are not re-compiled when building our app. Only a clean build helps to make changes available in the app.
Have a project setup similar to our (see the attached example project). Open the attached workspace and run the app. You will notice a crash on viewDidLoad() of the ViewController. There you will see further instructions to experience the issue. For completeness here they are again:
- Run the app
- Experience a fatal error
- Remove the line where the fatal error is created
- Run the app again (NO clean build)
- Observe that the app will still be terminated by the fatal error you just removed
- Do a clean build to finally get rid of the fatal error
- App does not crash anymore after removing the fatalError from the library
- App still crashes because of that fatalError
- Breakpoints don’t work either because the source you see and the compiled one are not the same anymore
Xcode 10.0 Beta (10L176w)
Project with cocoapods integration of self-owned library.