- migrated to pydantic>V2
- added automatic pydantic validation on change of form
- added "AnyOf" widget to support ty.Union widget types
- added "TagsInput" widget as default for long widget select multiple arrays
- many bug-fixes and background changes...
What's Changed
- 186-update-handling-of-nullable-fields-for-pydantic-v2 by @jgunstone in #189
- ✨ improve handling of nullable. add support for
widget by @jgunstone in #190 - REFACTOR-iterable-array-widget-to-use-traits by @jgunstone in #191
- 188-instantiate-only-autoui-with-schema by @jgunstone in #197
- 181-update-to-pydantic2 by @jgunstone in #199
- ✨ Add workflow and issue templates by @ollyhensby in #201
- 📝 Add workflow badge to README.md by @ollyhensby in #202
- FIX-datetime-widgets by @jgunstone in #204
- 🍱 updated logo to use the new pydantic v2 logo by @jgunstone in #205
- add
example by @jgunstone in #209 - Update complex_serialization.py by @jgunstone in #211
- merge in hotfix by @jgunstone in #212
- Create deploy-book.yml by @jgunstone in #210
- Update README.md by @jgunstone in #213
- Update test-python-package.yml by @jgunstone in #215
- Update deploy-book.yml by @jgunstone in #214
- Update README.md by @jgunstone in #216
- Update deploy-book.yml by @jgunstone in #217
- Update deploy-book.yml by @jgunstone in #218
- add the code required to generate output to example by @jgunstone in #219
- HOTFIX getting property schema types... GridSchema needs an overhaul (c.f. AutoObject and AutoArray) by @jgunstone in #220
- ✨ add tagsinput and select multiple as a standard options by @jgunstone in #221
- FIX-file-upload-to-dir-following-iterable-update by @jgunstone in #223
- 180-add-pydantic-validation by @jgunstone in #222
- HOTFIX-minor-edits-to-docs by @jgunstone in #224
- gh action change working dir by @jgunstone in #225
- temp remove autosummary by @jgunstone in #226
- 🐛 fixes broken test and uses by @jgunstone in #227
- ➕ Add jsonref as dependency by @ollyhensby in #228
- 🔥 Remove paths filter by @ollyhensby in #229
- Fix array remove row by @ollyhensby in #231
- make maplocal optional. move pytest to optional. by @jgunstone in #233
- update action based on pyproject ... by @jgunstone in #234
- Udpate readme to show docs by @jgunstone in #236
- add .nojekyll file... by @jgunstone in #237
- ✨ Implement show_validation by @ollyhensby in #238
- 🐛 Fix setting EditGrid to empty list by @ollyhensby in #239
- Readd-Dictionary-iterable by @jgunstone in #242
- ♻️ Don't set default when trying to set empty list by @ollyhensby in #241
- Select and click update by @ollyhensby in #240
- 🐛 Fix UrlImageLink by @ollyhensby in #243
- 🐛 Change default value of columns trait by @ollyhensby in #245
Full Changelog: 0.5.9...0.6.0