Read characters from your PC screen and get alerted through a messenger on your phone if certain conditions are met
- install PyCharmCommunity Edition from
- install python 3
- follow this
- use as URL
- PyCharm asks you to install libraries from requirements.txt, do this
- alternatively follow and install them yourself
- install google tesseract for the character recognition from
- edit tesseract path in code if your system installed it to a different path
- on your phone download Telegram and start a conversation with @botfather or visit follow his instructions until you get an access token from him
- enter that token into the code at line 18 (telegram_token = "123456:abcdefghjijjqnsadnqwemasdqo")
- Run your code in PyCharm via the menu in the top left
- WoW needs to run fullscreen on your main screen for this to work
- /pos messaged to your bot get you the current position
- /startalarm starts the alarm to spam you when your queue is done
- /stopalarm stops the alarm
- be productive or sleep while in queue
This code reads characters off the center area of your screen and sends them to a bot anyone could talk to. If you do not close PyCharm after your queue is done you could potentially leak personal information.
I am not responsible for any harm done