This package analyzes file entropy (shannon entropy) for forensic or malware analysis
This package require:
- python3
- python3 Standard Library
- matplotlib (matplotlib is not installed by EntropyAnalysis, if you want GUI charts you should install it.)
python3 -m pip install EntropyAnalysis
# The following line is optional (requirements for GUI charts)
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
git clone ""
cd "EntropyAnalysis"
python3 -m pip install .
EntropyAnalysis # Using CLI package executable
python3 -m EntropyAnalysis # Using python module
python3 EntropyAnalysis.pyz # Using python executable
EntropyAnalysis.exe # Using python Windows executable
EntropyAnalysis packed.exe
EntropyAnalysis -c packed.exe
EntropyAnalysis --all-characters packed.exe
EntropyAnalysis -f -C packed.exe
EntropyAnalysis -p 1024 packed.exe
EntropyAnalysis -o -k 4096 packed.exe
EntropyAnalysis -k 4096 -p 1024 packed.exe
EntropyAnalysis -u
from EntropyAnalysis import *
from urllib.request import urlopen
get_full_file_entropy(open('packed.exe', 'rb'))
charts_chunks_file_entropy(open('packed.exe', 'rb'))
charts_chunks_file_entropy(urlopen(''), chunk_size=2048, part_size=512)
for score in get_chunks_file_entropy(open('packed.exe', 'rb')):
for score in get_chunks_file_entropy(urlopen(''), chunk_size=2048):
print_chunks_file_entropy(open('packed.exe', 'rb'))
print_parts_chunks_file_entropy(open('packed.exe', 'rb'))
print_chunks_file_entropy(urlopen(''), chunk_size=2048, colors=True)
print_parts_chunks_file_entropy(urlopen(''), chunk_size=2048, part_size=512, colors=True)
Licensed under the GPL, version 3.