AGP is a simple header only library containing a templated quaternion implementation, a arcball implementation ( improved over traditional arcball, see white paper in repo), and a few other functions required to create MVP matricies. The arcball implementation produces and keeps track of a View Projection Matrix which only needs to be multiplied with the Model Matrix before being sent to the GPU. The majority of the code should be C++98, but at maximum C++11. The library is written to be auto-vectorized when possible with the appropriate auto-vectorization flags per compiler. Unit testing implemented with doctest.
This is an example of common usage of the library. I've tried to make the functionality as self-evident and obvious as possible. Of note, if not obvious, perform any updates to the view before you retrieve the View Projection Matrix.
- Initalizaiton
arcball arc; arc.SetCamera(camera, up_vector); arc.SetCenter(center_pos); arc.SetViewArea(window_width,window_height); // can omit these if okay with default values arc.SetProjectionVars(fov, z_near, z_far); arc.rotate_sensitivity = 0.004; arc.zoom_sensitivity = 0.2; arc.zoom_translate_sensitivity = 0.1;
- Rotate Function
if(is_scroll_clicked){ arc.Rotate(mouse_delta_x, mouse_delta_y); camera_pos = arc.Camera(); // If Needed for Shader click_delta_x = 0; click_delta_y = 0; }
- Zoom Function
if(is_scrolled){ // Distance is From Center of Screen. Left and Up are Positive // Float Type Because of Possible Subpixel Resolution From OS float dis_x = 0.5*window_width - mouse_x; float dis_y = 0.5*window_height - mouse_y; arc.Zoom(dis_x, dis_y, scroll_ammount); camera_pos = arc.Camera(); // If Needed for Shader {x,y,z} is_scrolled = false; }
- Translate Function
if(is_left_clicked){ arc.Translate(mouse_delta_x, mouse_delta_y); camera_pos = arc.Camera(); // If Needed for Shader {x,y,z} }
- ViewProjMatrix Function
// Creates View Projection Matrix in Location Pointed to by viewproj. // Matrix is in ROW MAJOR Format (aka DirectX format). If using // OpenGL, either transpose or post multiply MVP matrix in shader // The returned matrix is orthogonal, so the inverse is the same as // it's transpose. float viewproj[16]; arc.ViewProjMatrix(viewproj); float inv_viewproj[16]; TransposeMat4(view_proj, inv_viewproj);
- MouseRay Function
// Gets Direction Vector of Mouse Ray From the Camera float ray[3]; arc.MouseRay(ray);
quaternion<float> quat1 = { -1, 3, 4, 3 }; // Or quaternion<float> quat3;
// Returns New Quat quat3 = quat1 * quat2;
Element Access
// Gets Specific Element. Stored Order: w, x, y, z quaternion<float> quat1; float w = quat1[0];
Set With Euler Angles
// Sets Quaternion with Euler Conversion using ZYX Matrix Order // Inputs in Radians. Order: x-axis Angle, y-axis Angle, z-axis Angle quat1.SetWithEuler( 0.2, -1.1, 2.1 );
Get Euler Angles
// Gets Quaternion Euler Conversion using ZYX Matrix Order // Outputs in Radians. Order: x-axis Angle, y-axis Angle, z-axis Angle // Note: Euler Values Returned May Not Be Unique float val[3]; quat1.Euler(val);
Get Raw Data
// Gets Pointer to Data float *data = quat1.RawData();
Conjugate Quaternion
// Conjugates Quaternion quat1.Conj();
Get Rotation Matrix
// Sets Rotation Matrix to matrix // T Ending Denotes Transposed Matrix float matrix[9]; quat1.RotationMatrix3(matrix); quat1.RotationMatrix3T(matrix); // Or float matrix[16]; quat1.RotationMatrix4(matrix); quat1.RotationMatrix4T(matrix);
Rotate Point
// Rotates Point with Quaternion quaternion<float> quat1 = { -1, 3, 4, 3 }; float point = { 1, 2, 5.5 }; quat1.Rotate(point);
// Creates rotation quaternion t percentage from quat1 to quat2
quaternion<float> quat1 = { -1, 3, 4, 3 };
quaternion<float> quat2 = { -1, 2, 1, 1 };
quaternion<float> quat3;
float t = .15; // Percentage Interpolation
quat3.nlerp(quat1, quat2, t)
- Ostream Operator
// Creates rotation quaternion t percentage from quat1 to quat2
quaternion<float> quat1 = { -1, 3, 4, 3 };
std::cout<<quat1<<std::endl; // Prints [w, x, y, z]
Multiply a 4x4 Matrix with Another 4x4 Matrix Transposed
// Multiplies a Row Major Matrix with a Column Major (Row Major Transposed) Matrix // to Produce a Row Major Matrix float mat4_1[16]; float mat4_2T[16]; float mat4_out[16]; Mat4MultiplyMat4T(mat4_1, mat4_2T, mat4_out);
Transpose a 4x4 Matrix
float mat4[16]; float mat4_trans[16]; TransposeMat4(mat4, mat4_trans);
- Prints a 4x4 Matrix
float matrix[16]; PrintMat4(matrix, "MatrixName");
Cross Product of two Vectors
float vec_1[3] = { 0.8, 3.9, 2.1 }; float vec_2[3] = { 1.5, 3.3, 1.2 }; float return_vec[3]; CrossVec(vec_1, vec_2, return_vec);
Normalize a Vector
float vec_1[3] = { 0.8, 3.9, 2.1 }; float vec_2[3] = { 1.5, 3.3, 1.2 }; float return_vec[3]; NormalizeVec<3>(vec_1, vec_2, return_vec);
Calculate Magnitude of a Vector
float vec3[3]; MagnitudeVec<3>(vec3);
Calculate Difference of two Vectors
// Vec3_out = Vec3_1 - Vec3_2 float vec3_1[3]; float vec3_2[3]; float vec3_out[3]; DiffVec<3>(vec3_1, vec3_2, vec3_out);
If you have a suggestion that would make this project better, simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Matthew Elks - [email protected]