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A python tool that translates and ingests WUDAPT's Local Climate Zone information into WRF.


To add.

Python environment

Create a virtual python environment, for example with anaconda:

  1. If you not have anaconda on your system yet, please install it first (information here)
  2. Then, create the virtual environment from within this repository: conda env create -f w2w.yml
  3. Activate this new environment: conda activate w2w


  • A file (produced by WRF's WPS geoegrid.exe), for your inner domain you would like to use with LCZ information.

Note: also the geo_em.d0[0 to X].nc files of the parent domain(s) should be available in the same INPUT_DIRECTORY. As the routine will make sure NUM_LAND_CAT is set to 41 in all these files.

  • A Local Climate Zone map (lcz.tif) that is slightly bigger than the domain of the file. There are a number of ways to obtain an LCZ map for your region of interest:

Important: In case the domain is larger than ~ 2.5 x 2.5°, the LCZ Generator will fail. In that case, please contact Matthias Demuzere for support.

  • the lcz .tif file and geo_em* should live in the same directory. Also, this directory should be writeable by the user.

Run the tool

python INPUT_DIRECTORY lcz.tif geo_em.d0**X**.nc       

Try with the provided sample:

python ./sample_data lcz.tif geo_em.d0**X**.nc       

More information:

python -h 


The project is licensed under the MIT license.

How to cite

Not available yet.