Supported Mattermost Server Versions: 5.12.0+
- df57ce9 Adding slack attachment on messages without plugin (and mobile) (#116)
- 80cb1f6 Change camera icon by zoom camera icon (#104)
- 11d75e3 Use user ID instead of bot ID to post meetings (#112)
- 3d941a3 Restore OAuth (#84)
- e9cbe14 Store post ID when creating meeting via slash command, add some logging and set expiry time to meeting post IDs to avoid garbage in the KVStore (#134)
- 9f45447 Post the already created authmessage on failed connection when using the header icon (#138)
- 7eb5b30 Remove Disconnect command when using JWT (#133)
- b631197 [GH-121] Add info to Zoom OAuth UI (#125)
- 37a1b57 Fix meeting ended webhook (#111)
- 32185eb [GH-99] Fix JoinURL with encrypted password (#101)
- 0229f44 Bump version to 1.4.0 (#123)
- 8e6bf49 Update .circleci/config.yml (#135)
- c6183c3 Add .npmrc file for save-exact packages (#130)
- 559a616 Bump dependency audit fix (#122)
- 451f80e Remove usage and setup from readme and link to GitBook (#126)
- 6dbfa4d Integrate GolangCI-Lint (#115)
- ffe5100 Bump go dependencies and go mod tidy (#124)
- 92b6619 add codecov, latest release and HW badges (#118)
- 446de94 Drop second maintainer from CODEOWNERS (#103)