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Le Piaje

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Environment Variables

NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL The project's current base url wether it is development or production

DB_CONNECTION_STRING The mongodb connection string Example: mongodb+srv://[dbusername]:[dbpasswor]@[cluster].[appid][datanasename]?retryWrites=true&w=majority

NEXT_PUBLIC_SENDER_EMAIL the email from which users will received notifications, normally the email that is provided from the domain

NEXT_PUBLIC_WHATSAPP_NUMBER the whatsapp number users will be taking to chat with once clicked the whatsapp button on the page

RESEND_API_KEY= The api key(free) from resend service to send emails, now at 1000 emails a month

ADMIN_EMAIL_ONE_RECEIVER This email won't be used to send emails to clients, but instead, it will be used to notify the administrator of the page when a client has performed an operation such as a booking, cancellation or purchase

ADMIN_EMAIL_TWO_RECEIVER This email won't be used to send emails to clients, but instead, it will be used to notify the administrator of the page when a client has performed an operation such as a booking, cancellation or purchase

STRIPE_API_KEY stripe api key that will handle the payments of the app

square brackets [] are only to make it more readable and they are not necessary when writing the actual string

NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN the access token provided with a mapbox free account to access map features and styles

NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB_SOCKET_SERVER the websocket deployed url from the project that helps controlling and managing syncing the calendars

NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY= your stripe publishable key which you can get at the stripe page login in to your account

STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_your_secret_key your stripe secret key which you can get at the stripe page login in to your account

STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET your stripe webhook secret string

USERNAME the username to login to admin panel

USER_PASSWORD the password to login to admin panel


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