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faq 80642086

Billy Charlton edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

How to extract public transit waiting time?

by Kai Nagel on 2016-08-29 11:32:50.016

(proxying for htmlrb)

Giving that waiting time is incorporated in travel time of a Leg, What might be the best way to extract the actual waiting time at each stop after a pt interaction ?


Comments: 2

Re: How to extract public transit waiting time?

by Kai Nagel on 2016-08-29 11:35:36.050

Dear Haitam,

I think that there is a waitingForPt event which indicates that an agent starts waiting.
PersonEntersVehicle should then state the end of the waiting time.
I haven't tried this myself so please let us know if/how that goes?
In more general terms, it should be possible to take "person enters vehicle" minus "leg start time".  This should also work for, say, taxi or ride sharing.  I think that the main reason for the separate waitingForPt event is that it contains additional information such as the destination stop ID.
Pls let us know if that works or not.
Best wishes, Kai

Re: How to extract public transit waiting time?

by Pradeep Burla on 2018-04-10 12:21:13.326

Dear Prof. Nagel,

As you suggested,
Waiting time for pt = eventTime(PersonEntersVehicle) - eventTime(waitingForPt)


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