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faq 109882953
by Sashi Gurram on 2017-06-10 08:42:19
Dear All,
I am using MATSim-09c07b3. A good number of agents (about 17%) in my scenario are getting stuck and aborted. I do no think that agents are getting stuck due to flow capacity or storage capacity restrictions because agents are getting stuck irrespective of these parameters (even when I increased these parameters). I think it is probably a result of my wrong use of the mode innovation strategies. However, I am still unsure of the right settings. Consider the following initial plan for a person.
<person id="89896403">
<act end_time="07:03:00" start_time="03:00:00" type="home" x="335849.023624" y="3071222.39657"/>
<leg mode="ride"/>
<act end_time="16:31:00" start_time="07:20:00" type="work" x="328810.411142" y="3064807.26045"/>
<leg mode="car"/>
<act end_time="26:59:00" start_time="16:48:00" type="home" x="335849.023624" y="3071222.39657"/>
This person changes from ride mode to car mode following his second activity at work. But, he he gets stuck after the departure event and is aborted at the end of simulation like so
<event time="27664.0" type="actstart" person="89896403" link="1001110012" actType="work" />
<event time="62555.0" type="actend" person="89896403" link="1001110012" actType="work" />
<event time="62555.0" type="departure" person="89896403" link="1001110012" legMode="car" />
<event time="115200.0" type="stuckAndAbort" link="1001110012" legMode="car" person="89896403" />
In my case. I am using car, bicycle, walk (teleported), ride, school bus, and pt modes. I used subtour mode innovation strategy to see if people would shift from car to bicycle or pt modes. Here are some relevant mode-related config options that I used. Any help on where I am wrongly using the mode options would be greatly appreciated.
<module name="qsim" >
<param name="endTime" value="32:00:00" />
<param name="removeStuckVehicles" value="false" />
<param name= "mainMode" value= "car,bicycle,ride,school bus" />
<param name= "vehicleBehavior" value="wait" />
<param name="linkDynamics" value="PassingQ" />
<param name="vehiclesSource" value="modeVehicleTypesFromVehiclesData" />
<param name= "usePersonIdForMissingVehicleId" value="true" />
<module name="travelTimeCalculator" >
<param name="analyzedModes" value="car,bicycle,ride,school bus" />
<param name="separateModes" value="true" />
<module name="planscalcroute" >
<param name="networkModes" value="car,bicycle,ride,school bus" />
<parameterset type="teleportedModeParameters" >
<param name="beelineDistanceFactor" value="1.3" />
<param name="mode" value="walk" />
<param name="teleportedModeFreespeedFactor" value="null" />
<param name="teleportedModeSpeed" value="1.4" />
<module name="subtourModeChoice" >
<param name="chainBasedModes" value="car,pt,bicycle" />
<param name="considerCarAvailability" value="true" />
<param name="modes" value="car,bicycle,pt" />
<parameterset type="strategysettings" >
<param name="strategyName" value="SubtourModeChoice" />
<param name="weight" value="0.1" />
by Rolando Armas on 2017-06-13 10:01:44
Hi Sashi,
Apparently, in my scenario, the only reason to have "stuck users" is that the capacity of some bus lines is not enough for the demand. However, I need to check closely the output to validate that hypothesis.
But in your case, maybe the problem is related with the flow and storage (network) capacity.
Have you tried to increase that values?
by Amit Agarwal on 2017-08-08 11:47:26
Dear Sashi,
As we have discussed by email, most likely, the problem is that you have set vehicleBehavior in qsimConfigGroup as wait. This means, if a vehicle is not available on the departure link, it waits until it gets desired vehicle. In your case, the vehicle is not available and at the end of simulation, stuckAndAbort event is thrown.
For this, you can set vehicle behavior as teleport (also default value). This would mean that vehicle is teleported from home (or other) location to the desired location. Alternatively, you can configure the way vehicles must behave and then bind it to the Controller.
Let us know if you still have problems.
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