Hello dear candidate. Please follow the instructions below to provide all the information for your hiring process. Good luck !
This test aims to look a developer to join us with some technical/personal skills, like:
- be able to find out solutions googling
- work with core technologies used by our company (Java, grails, angular, git ...)
- think oriented by quality and performance
- follow processes
- 1 - Send a mail containing your complete name and your phone to [email protected] with the subject: "I want to do the test DEV-1"
- 2 - While you wait for the response with a link, setup your environment with Java SDK 11.x, LTS Node.js version, Grails 4.x
- 3 - Create an account on BitBucket or GitHub if you don't have one. It's free and you'll use to submit your test to us.
- 4 - Once you received the response mail with a link, download the .zip file with the repository.
You will find this structure:
We have two projects: a Grails project and an Angular project. The first one is our backend and the another one, the frontend.
Inside the grails project directory (/backend), run:
grails run-app
to check if the things are ok.
In the angular project directory (/frontend), run:
npm i
to finish your setup, then execute
ng serve
to see the project running.
This test contains 4 tasks described below. Create a public project on your Bitbucket(or GitHub) account named _TEST_DEV_1, push your work to the master branch, and send a mail to [email protected] with:
- the subject: "Submitting for DEV-1"
- a link to your project on Bitbucket (or GitHub)
Good news ! The first task was just your environment setup. So, probably at this time you already done that. Congrats ! Let's go to the next one.
This first task it's totally to be performed on the backend:
Create the DOMAIN classes on the way you want to represent:
- A Company (with name and segment). For example, FORD, segment: vehicles.
- A Stock (from a Company, with price and price date) .
Then, Bootstrap (see 5.4 section) your application with some fake data containing:
- three companies;
- each company with stock quotes from every minute, for each business hour ([10AM to 6 PM]), for the last thirty(30) days.
Ex: If now it's 10:49, a company should have fifty(50) quotes for today: 10:00, 10:01, 10:02 ... 10:49.
Finally, create a Grails Service with one method: getStocks(company, numbersOfHoursUntilNow). This method should print on the console:
- Each stock quote
- The total time, in millisseconds, to be executed
- The number of quotes retrieved
Ex: the call getStocks(AMAZON, 30) should return all quotes from the last 30 hours, from each minute, for the AMAZON company.
Now, on the Angular project, just create a button called "GET COMPANIES" which shows the companies you've bootstrapped in the backend. For each company shows:
- Name
- Segment
- Standard Deviation for its quotes for all time.
Do not worry about design or making it beautiful! However, take attention for the good practices (use a service in Angular to accommodate your communication logic with the backend, instead of calling direct from the Controller).
TIP: for achieve this you'll need to create a Controller in your backend, and call it from the frontend using a http request. Your controller can handle the response as a JSON...
You are almost there. Our Angular project has a Cypress test already set-up. To check that go to the frontend project root and run:
npx open cypress
You now can execute the "unique test" and witness its failure. So, at this time, you can imagine what is your task here...
PS: You can find this test at /frontend/cypress/integration/unique_test.js
Thank you for your time ! Don't forget to PUSH all your work into the repository you created, on branch MASTER, and send the mail with the link when you are done !
Best regards and good luck !