I needed a crossplatform js code, that would enable me to use my scanner - so I decided to publish my work.
It's been tested on:
- operating systems:
- macOS 13.2.1 with Apple Chip M1
- Windows 11
- ubuntu 20
- scanners:
- Brother DCP-1610W
- HP DeskJet 2600
I hate writing documentation. Just contact me.
$ npm install scanner-to-buffer
import { list } from "scanner-to-buffer";
import { promises } from "fs";
const devices = await list();
const buffer = await devices[0].scan();
await promises.writeFile("outputFile", buffer);
scan(o?: {
timeout?: number;
dpi?: number;
format?: string;
mode?: string // not working in windows unless with docker
Some manufacturers don't provide drivers for every system - so I added a feature to use docker.
// build image if needed
const devices1 = await list({
logger: msg => console.log(msg),
method: { kind: "docker" },
dockerAuto: {
image: "scanner-to-buffer",
platform: "linux/arm64/v8",
dockerfileContent: [
"FROM amd64/ubuntu",
"RUN apt-get update",
"RUN apt-get install -y sane wget inetutils-ping",
"RUN wget https://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf105200/brscan4-0.4.11-1.amd64.deb",
"RUN dpkg -i brscan4-0.4.11-1.amd64.deb",
initContainer: { args: ["brsaneconfig4", "-d"] }
// use running container
const devices2 = await list({
logger: msg => console.log(msg),
method: { kind: "docker", container: "44a1b2f1c35d" },