jMath is a mathematical library to evaluate complicated expression written as a string
. Main features:
- Expressions are stored as
Abstract Syntax Tree
so the expression can be evaluated many times without re-parsing. - Expressions can contains variables.
- Support for custom function and operators.
- Functions can be overloaded (resolver chooses function by number of arguments).
- Functions can takes variable number of arguments (variadic functions).
- Expressions can be optimized by optimization passes.
- Support for custom optimization passes.
Library contains set of built-in:
- Constants:
- numeric:
, - logical:
- numeric:
- Operators:
- arithmetic:
(negation), - comparators:
, - logical:
(consequence), - other:
- arithmetic:
- Functions:
- basic:
, - trigonometric:
, - statistical:
, - random:
(normal), - conversion:
, - compound:
- basic:
- Optimization passes:
- BinaryOperatorSimplifying,
- ConstantFolding,
More details about jMath's classes and built-in constants, operators, functions and optimization passes can be found in Javadoc.
There are several examples in ./examples
Build jMath library:
gradle :jmath:build
Build Javadoc:
gradle javadoc
Build examples:
gradle :examples:build
All artifacts are placed in ./output
Run example:
java -jar output/${example_name}.jar
Symbol | Description | Priority | Position | Associative |
! | see Factorial function |
1 | Right | Left |
^ | see Exponentiation function |
2 | Middle | Right |
- | Arithmetic negation | 3 | Left | Right |
not | Logical not | 3 | Left | Right |
* | Multiplication | 4 | Middle | Both |
mod | Modulo | 4 | Middle | Left |
% | Percentage | 4 | Right | Left |
/ | Division. Divider cannot be 0 | 4 | Middle | Left |
+ | Addition | 5 | Middle | Both |
- | Subtraction | 5 | Middle | Left |
=, <>, <, >, <=, >= | Comparators | 7 | Middle | Left |
<=> | Logical if and only if | 7 | Middle | Left |
=> | Logical consequence | 7 | Middle | Left |
or, and, xor | Logical or, and, xor | 8 | Middle | Both |
nor, nand | Logical nor, nand | 8 | Middle | Left |
Name | Description | Number of arguments |
abs | Abs(x) = absolute value (if x < 0 then -x else x) | n = 1 |
acos | Acos(x) = arccosine. Domain x: [-1, 1] | n = 1 |
asin | Asin(x) = arcsine. Domain x: [-1, 1] | n = 1 |
atan | Atan(x) = arctangent | n = 1 |
atan2 | Atan2(y, x) = theta from polar coordinate (r, theta) of point (x, y). Domain: any (x, y) without (0, 0) | n = 2 |
ceil | Ceil(x) = the smallest integer greater then x | n = 1 |
clamp | Clamp(x, a, b) = if x < a then return x, if x > b then return b, else return x | n = 3 |
cos | Cos(x) = cosine of x (in radian) | n = 1 |
cosh | Cosh(x) = hyperbolic cosine of x | n = 1 |
exp | Exp(x) = e^x | n = 1 |
factorial | Factorial(n) = the product of the numbers from 1 to n. Domain n: {0, 1, 2, ...} | n = 1 |
fib | Fib(n) = the n-th element of Fibonacci's sequence (F_0 = 0, F_1 = 1). Domain n: {0, 1, 2, ...} | n = 1 |
floor | Floor(x) = the largest integer lower then x | n = 1 |
gcd | Gcd(a, ...) = the greatest common divisor of the numbers. Domain for all numbers: {1, 2, ...} | n >= 1 |
indicator | Indicator(x, a, b) = return true (1.0) if and only if a < x < b else return false (0.0) | n = 3 |
lagrange | Lagrange(x, x1, y1, ...) = value of lagrange interpolation polynomial in point x. First argument is x (where calculate value of interpolation polynomial) next there are pairs (x, y) of check points. Number of arguments must be odd | n >= 3 && n % 2 = 1 |
lcm | Lcm(a, ...) = the least common multiple of the numbers. Domain for all number: {1, 2, ...} | n >= 1 |
log | Log(b, x) = natural logarithm of x with base b. Domain b: (0, +inf)/{1}, x: (0, +inf) | n = 2 |
log | Log(x) = natural logarithm of x. Domain x: (0, +inf) | n = 1 |
log10 | Log10(x) = logarithm of x to base 10. Domain x: (0, +inf) | n = 1 |
log2 | Log2(x) = logarithm of x to base 2. Domain x: (0, +inf) | n = 1 |
max | Max(a, ...) = the largest out of the given numbers | n >= 1 |
mean | Mean(a, ...) = the mean of the given numbers | n >= 1 |
median | Median(a, ...) = the median of the given numbers | n >= 1 |
min | Min(a, ...) = the smallest out of the given numbers | n >= 1 |
nrand | Nrand() = the random number with a standard normal distribution (avg: 0, stddev: 1) | n = 0 |
nrand | Nrand(mean, stddev) = the random number with a normal distribution. Domain stddev: (0, +inf) | n = 2 |
poly | Poly(x, a0, a1, ...) = value of polynomial in point x. First argument is x (where calculate value of polynomial) next there are coefficients of polynomial (a0+a1x+a2x^2+...) | n >= 2 |
pow | Pow(a, b) = a to the power b. Domain a: if abs(b) < 1 then [0, +inf) else any real number | n = 2 |
rand | Rand() = the random number with a uniform distribution [0, 1) | n = 0 |
rand | Rand(a, b) = the random number with a uniform distribution [a, b). Domain: b > a | n = 2 |
root | Root(x, n) = the nth root of x. Domain x: if n is even then [0, +inf) else any real number | n = 2 |
round | Round(x) = the nearest integer number x | n = 1 |
sgn | Signum(x) = sign of x. Result is: 1 for x > 0, 0 for x = 0 and -1 for x < 0 | n = 1 |
sin | Sin(x) = sine of x (in radian) | n = 1 |
sinh | Sinh(x) = hyperbolic sine of x | n = 1 |
sqrt | Sqrt(x) = the square root of x. Domain x: [0, +inf) | n = 1 |
stddev | Stddev(a, ...) = the standard deviation of the given numbers | n >= 1 |
tan | Tan(x) = tangent of x (in radian) | n = 1 |
tanh | Tanh(x) = hyperbolic tangent of x | n = 1 |
to_degrees | To_Degrees(x) = convert x from radian to degrees | n = 1 |
to_logical | To_Logical(x) = if x < 1 then 0 else 1 | n = 1 |
to_radians | To_Radians(x) = convert x from degrees to radians | n = 1 |
Name | Description |
BinaryOperatorSimplifying | Simplify a binary operator if it's possible, e.g.: x + 0 = x or x^1 = x |
ConstantFolding | Fold AST subtree to constant if it contains only constants |