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mashiro210 authored Nov 28, 2022
0 parents commit e7dabab
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Showing 3 changed files with 387 additions and 0 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Author: Mashiro
# Last update: 2022/10/12
# Description: module for getting data from InfluxDB cloud

# load molues
from datetime import datetime
from import gettz

import pandas as pd
import influxdb_client

# define functions for converting timezone

def convertTimeZoneFromUTC(timestampUTC, timeZone = 'Asia/Tokyo'):
convertedDatetime = timestampUTC.astimezone(gettz(timeZone))
convertedTimestamp = datetime.strftime(convertedDatetime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

return convertedTimestamp

def convertTimeZoneToUTC(timestamp):
convertedDatetime = timestamp.astimezone(gettz('UTC'))
convertedTimestamp = datetime.strftime(convertedDatetime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

return convertedTimestamp

# define function for generating params

def generateParams(startDate, startHour, startMin, stopDate, stopHour, stopMin,
token = "t8fA0ToMKRTTj4qgcSpHzaknTARp8l9lONCFQiysVxzRwMsIaLrnHV_rTgUO3S4kz0nAq6fsSKH4SElOZN559w==",
org = "[email protected]",
url = "",
bucket = "kumamoto_weather_station"):

'''all args require str'''

start = startDate + 'T' + startHour + ':' + startMin + ':00Z'
start = datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
start = datetime.strptime(convertTimeZoneToUTC(start), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
stop = stopDate + 'T' + stopHour + ':' + stopMin + ':00Z'
stop = datetime.strptime(stop, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
stop = datetime.strptime(convertTimeZoneToUTC(stop), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

params = dict(token = token,
org = org,
url = url,
bucket = bucket,
start = start,
stop = stop)

return params

# define function for getting data from cloud

def getData(params):

# API setting
client = influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(url = params['url'],
org = params['org'],
token = params['token'])

queryAPI = client.query_api()

# query setting at InfluxDB side
query = '''
from(bucket: _bucket)
|> range(start: _start, stop: _stop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "sensor_data")

# get data from InfluxDB Cloud via API
tables = queryAPI.query(query = query, org = params['org'],
params = {'_bucket': params['bucket'],
'_start': params['start'],
'_stop': params['stop']})

# convert data to Pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_json(tables.to_json())

# extract target columns and convert timezone UTC to JST
dfNow = df.filter(items = ['_time', '_field', '_value'], axis = 'columns')
dfNow.columns = ['time_UTC', 'weatherVariable', 'value']
dfNow['time_JST'] = dfNow['time_UTC'].map(convertTimeZoneFromUTC) # add new column on dataframe

return dfNow
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# Author: Mashiro
# Last update: 2022/11/28
# Description: application for visualizing data collected by IoT sensors

# load modules
import datetime
import time

import flet
from flet import (dropdown, Page, Dropdown,
ElevatedButton, Row, Image,
Text, UserControl, icons,
FilePickerResultEvent, Column, FilePicker)

# load my modules
import getDataFromInfluxDBCloud
import visualize

# drop down menues
class ddMenu(UserControl):
def build(self):

today =
self.dateList = [dropdown.Option(str(today))]

for i in range(1, 30):
date = str(today - datetime.timedelta(days = i))

weatherVariables = ['wind_direction', 'wind_speed', 'TSR',
'rain_snow', 'pressure', 'PM10', 'PM2_5',
'wind_direction_angle', 'CO2', 'rain_gauge',
'HUM', 'illumination', 'wind_speed_level', 'TEM']

self.ddStartDate = Dropdown(label = 'Start Date',
options = list(reversed(self.dateList)),
width = 300)

self.ddStartHour = Dropdown(label = 'Hour',
options = [dropdown.Option(j) for j in
['0' + str(i) if len(str(i)) == 1
else str(i) for i in range(0, 24)]])

self.ddStartMin = Dropdown(label = 'Min',
options = [dropdown.Option(j) for j in
['0' + str(i) if len(str(i)) == 1
else str(i) for i in range(0, 60)]])

self.ddEndDate = Dropdown(label = 'End Date', options = self.dateList)

self.ddEndHour = Dropdown(label = 'Hour',
options = [dropdown.Option(j) for j in
['0' + str(i) if len(str(i)) == 1
else str(i) for i in range(0, 24)]])

self.ddEndMin = Dropdown(label = 'Min',
options = [dropdown.Option(j) for j in
['0' + str(i) if len(str(i)) == 1
else str(i) for i in range(0, 60)]])

self.ddWeatherVariables = Dropdown(label = 'Weather Variables',
options = [dropdown.Option(i) for i in weatherVariables])

self.ddVisualize = Dropdown(label = 'Select format',
options = [dropdown.Option('Raw Data'),

duration = ['2w', '1w',
'3d', '2d', '1d',
'12h', '6h', '3h', '2h', '1h',

self.ddSmooth = Dropdown(label = 'option',
options = [dropdown.Option(i) for i in duration])

return Column([Row(controls = [self.ddStartDate, self.ddStartHour, self.ddStartMin]),
Row(controls = [self.ddEndDate, self.ddEndHour, self.ddEndMin]),
Row(controls = [self.ddWeatherVariables, self.ddVisualize, self.ddSmooth])])

def main(page: Page):

formatHist = []
userRequestedParam = ddMenu()

def saveFileResult(e: FilePickerResultEvent):
saveFilePath.value = e.path if e.path else 'File saving was cancelled!'

def execute(e):

# check blanks are filled
if isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddVisualize.value, str):
if userRequestedParam.ddVisualize.value == 'Raw Data':
filled = (isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddStartDate.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddStartHour.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddStartMin.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddEndDate.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddEndHour.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddEndMin.value, str))

elif userRequestedParam.ddVisualize.value == 'Figure':
filled = (isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddStartDate.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddStartHour.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddStartMin.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddEndDate.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddEndHour.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddEndMin.value, str)
and isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddWeatherVariables.value, str))

filled = False

# after filled check
if filled:
status.value = 'Getting data from cloud server' ; status.update()

requestParamForInflux = getDataFromInfluxDBCloud.generateParams(startDate = userRequestedParam.ddStartDate.value,
startHour = userRequestedParam.ddStartHour.value,
startMin = userRequestedParam.ddStartMin.value,
stopDate = userRequestedParam.ddEndDate.value,
stopHour = userRequestedParam.ddEndHour.value,
stopMin = userRequestedParam.ddEndMin.value)
# check how many times execute botton clicked
if > 1:
if lastRequestParamForInflux == requestParamForInflux:
sensorData = getDataFromInfluxDBCloud.getData(lastRequestParamForInflux)
sensorData = getDataFromInfluxDBCloud.getData(requestParamForInflux)

sensorData = getDataFromInfluxDBCloud.getData(requestParamForInflux)
lastRequestParamForInflux = requestParamForInflux

if userRequestedParam.ddVisualize.value == 'Raw Data':
status.value = 'Click Save file botton and Enter file name' ; status.update()

while saveFilePath.value is None:

if saveFilePath.value[-4:] != '.csv':
saveFilePath.value = saveFilePath.value + '.csv'

sensorData.to_csv(saveFilePath.value, index = False)

status.value = 'File saving was successfully done!' ; status.update()
saveFilePath.value = '' ; saveFilePath.update()

elif userRequestedParam.ddVisualize.value == 'Figure':
status.value = 'Now visualizing' ; status.update()
selectedVariable = userRequestedParam.ddWeatherVariables.value
sensorDataTemp = sensorData.query('weatherVariable == @selectedVariable')
if isinstance(userRequestedParam.ddSmooth.value, str):
sensorDataTemp = visualize.calcSmoothedValue(df = sensorDataTemp,
unit = userRequestedParam.ddSmooth.value)
plotData = visualize.drawPlot(x = sensorDataTemp.index, y = sensorDataTemp['value'],
weatherVariable = userRequestedParam.ddWeatherVariables.value,
smoothed = userRequestedParam.ddSmooth.value)

plotData = visualize.drawPlot(x = sensorDataTemp['time_JST'], y = sensorDataTemp['value'],
weatherVariable = userRequestedParam.ddWeatherVariables.value)

if formatHist.count('F') == 1:
status.value = 'Done!' ; status.update()
plot = Image(src_base64 = plotData)
status.value = 'Done!' ; status.update()
page.controls[-1].src_base64 = plotData


status.value = 'Error: fill all blanks!'


status = Text(size = 20, color = 'red', text_align = 'center')
execBotton = ElevatedButton(text = 'Execute', on_click = execute, data = 0)
saveFilePath = Text()
saveFileDialog = FilePicker(on_result = saveFileResult)
fileSaveBotton = ElevatedButton(text = 'Save file', icon = icons.SAVE,
on_click = lambda _: saveFileDialog.save_file(),
disabled = page.web)

page.scroll = 'auto'

Row(controls = [execBotton, fileSaveBotton, status]),
Row(controls = [saveFileDialog, saveFilePath])) = main)
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# Author: Mashiro
# Last update: 2022/11/07
# Description: module for visualizing

# load modules
import base64
from io import BytesIO

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# define function for deciding unit
def decideUnit(x):

if x == 'wind_direction_angle':
return 'Degree'
elif x == 'wind_speed':
return 'm/s'
elif x == 'TSR':
return 'W/m^2'
elif x == 'pressure':
return 'hPa'
elif x == 'PM10' or x == 'PM2_5':
return 'µg/m^3'
elif x == 'CO2':
return 'ppm'
elif x == 'rain_gauge':
return 'mm'
elif x == 'HUM':
return '%RH'
elif x == 'illumination':
return 'Lux'
elif x == 'wind_speed_level':
return 'UnitLess'
elif x == 'TEM':
return 'Celsius_degree'
elif x == 'rain_snow' or x == 'wind_direction_angle':
return 'nounit'

# define function for drawing plot

def drawPlot(x, y, weatherVariable, smoothed = None):
plt.rcParams["figure.subplot.bottom"] = 0.20
# draw plot
plt.plot(x, y)

if smoothed is not None:
plt.title('Sensor Data; {}'.format(weatherVariable)
+ ' ('
+ 'smoothed: '
+ smoothed
plt.title('Sensor Data; {}'.format(weatherVariable)+ ' (raw)')
plt.xticks(rotation = 45)
plt.ylabel(weatherVariable + ' (' + decideUnit(weatherVariable) + ')')

ofs = BytesIO()
plt.savefig(ofs, format = 'png')
data = ofs.getvalue()
plt.clf() ; plt.close()

base64Data = base64.b64encode(data).decode()

return base64Data

def drawPlot2(x, y, weatherVariable, smoothed = None):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# draw plot
ax.plot(x, y)

if smoothed is not None:
ax.set_title('Sensor Data; {}'.format(weatherVariable)
+ ' ('
+ 'smoothed: '
+ smoothed
ax.set_title('Sensor Data; {}'.format(weatherVariable)+ ' (raw)')
fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation = 45)
ax.set_ylabel(weatherVariable + ' (' + decideUnit(weatherVariable) + ')')

return fig

# define function for calculating smoothed average value

def calcSmoothedValue(df, unit):
durationDict = {'2w': '2W', '1w': '1W',
'3d': '3D', '2d': '2D', '1d': '1D',
'12h': '12H', '6h': '6H', '3h': '3H', '2h': '2H', '1h': '1H',
'30m': '30T'}

value = df.filter(items = ['value'])
value = value.astype(float)
value.index = pd.to_datetime(df['time_JST'])

return value.resample(rule = durationDict[unit]).mean()

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