A few legacy solutions that leveraged SSH streams to automate various tasks for Symitar based Credit Unions.
- SSH Access to Symitar host
- SYMULATE/Episys Text Mode
- Posh-SSH
- PowerShell 4.0+
Assuming you've met the requirements, you will also need to configure a dev.ini
file that is used at the beginning of each solution.
## DevTeam Configuration File
SMTPServer =
from = [email protected]
devTeamEmail = [email protected]
devTeamText = [email protected],[email protected]
archLoc = \\shared01\DevArch
credLoc = \\shared01\DevCreds
tempLoc = \\shared01\DevTemp
ocagent = OCAGENT01
You will also need to create a few of passwords for Symitar, EpisysUserID, and SYMOP.
Symitar Example:
$filePath = "\\shared01\DevCreds"
$fileName = "dm_aix"
$credential = Get-Credential
$credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content "$filePath\$fileName"
Note: A credential prompt will pop-up, you can type whatever you'd like for the username but enter in the password for the AIX user that will access the Symitar host.
EpisysUserID/SYMOP Example:
$filePath = "\\shared01\DevCreds"
$fileName = "dm_episys" ## or "dm_symop"
$credential = Get-Credential
$credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content "$filePath\$fileName"
Note: Similarly, a credntial prompt will pop-up, username is irrelevant however as these passwords will be required to pass in as strings through the automation you'll need to type the full string. Ex: 1337.Password1!
Finally, to successfully use any of the solutions, you will need to parse through and replace any filler text <Insert Value Here>
with values that support your institution.
Only needed for NewEpisysUser.ps1, you can confirm as to whether or not you have access to this feature via the AIX shell.
$ sym 1
Note: The SYM number doesn't matter. SYM001 was simply used as an example.
If you receive a menu similar to the following, after typing in your UserID and Dedicating the User to the Console, all solutions will work:
* Main Menu *
************* *************
* *
* (0) Teller Transactions *
* (1) Account Inquiries *
* (2) Account File Maintenance *
* (3) Payee Control *
* (4) Projections *
* (5) Personal File Control *
* (6) Teller Totals *
* (7) Message System *
* (8) Management Menu *
* *
Menu Selection [0] :
Please direct all questions to me via SMUG.