Non-custodial passwords manager
- Stores all your data AES-encrypted, locally in your browser (localStorage)
- Does not send your data anywhere
- Does not gather any statistics, metrics
- All your data can be exported as encrypted backup and then imported on other devices
- UI is optimized for phones, tablets and desktops
- Open source - MIT License (however npm deps with different licenses are required - see package.json)
- Small codebase, easy to audit
cd ~/projects
git clone [email protected]:marsgpl/mchain.git
cd mchain
nvm use
npm ci
npm start
npm run build
Keyloggers. They send everything you type to 3rd party servers via TCP, UDP, ICMP. They know how to bypass your firewall.
- Your browser might have a keylogger extension installed
- Your browser might have a built-in keylogger
- Your Device might have a keylogger installed as a service (virtual keyboard, accessibility tools or just an invisible process)
- Your Device's OS might have a built-in keylogger
- Third party npm libraries might have a keylogger in javascript code or in css (very low chance to find it in the deps list of big trusted libraries, but you never know).
Trojans. They send specific data chunks to 3rd party servers. Like whole localStorage. Like your iOS keychain.
- It is a risk to keep your encryption key in a keychain of a Device that could have possibly been infected.
- custom fields with option to mask value
- username suggestions based on previous passwords
- on page leave: check unsaved changes and confirm exit
- standard confirm/alert/prompt -> custom modal
- need header menu?
- settings page
- way to forget key (logout)
- export/import/erase options accessible from passwords page
- merge backups
- change enc key
- higher header