Simulation codes of Swinburne Group, CINaM UMR7325, Aix-Marseille University
- PAFI : Linear-scaling evaluation of anharmonic free energy barriers in LAMMPS (PRL 2018)
- TAMMBER : Massively parallel exploration of energy landscapes (NPJ CM 2020)
- LML-RETRAIN : Hybrid ab initio-machine learning simulations of dislocations (Acta Mat 2023)
Funding :
2024-2028: ANR PRC DAPREDIS (see website for open positions, hiring PhD 2024 and postdoc 2025)
2023-2024: CNRS EMERGENCE@INP ParaDiff
2019-2022: ANR JCJC MeMoPas
Computational resources from IDRIS, EUROFusion and CEA are also recognized.
Tom Swinburne
Please see website for full list of publications
Team Members:
Petr Grigorev
Ivan Maliyov
Past Members / Involved Students:
Deepti Kannan (now PhD, MIT)
Reza Namakian (now PostDoc, TAMU)
Arnaud Allera (now PostDoc, CEA)
Danny Perez (Los Alamos)
David Wales (Cambridge)
Cosmin Marinica (CEA Saclay)
LML-RETRAIN: Hybrid ab initio-machine learning simulations of dislocations
is an advanced coupling scheme to embed small DFT simulations in large-scale MD.
To enable this embedding, we retrain (make small parameter adjustments to) linear machine learning potentials,
giving seamless coupling between DFT and MD, to significantly extend the scope of hybrid simulation methods.
Code Repository:
Publication: Calculation of dislocation binding to helium-vacancy defects in tungsten using hybrid ab initio-machine learning methods Acta Materialia, 2023
Please see links to repositories below for more detail