For an explanation of the theory behind this calculator, please see main.pdf.
To install dependencies (note this program was made in Python 3.7.3)
pip install -r requirements.txt
To compute the homology of 3-dimensional Lens Spaces:
python lens <number of tetrahedrons>
To compute the homology on a custom Delta Complex:
python <path to file>
We will explain how the input files should be formatted here, note that you can find some examples under the example folder.
The program takes a file of the following format:
- The first line of the file should be an non-negative integer indicating the number of vertices in the Delta Complex:
- The proceeding lines are as follows - The
-th line of file should contain a sequence of -dimensional simplices, each separated by a semi-colon ;:
<simplex 1>; <simplex 2>; ...; <simplex k>
- For each simplex on line
, it should be represented by a list of indices, where the -th index of the simplex represents the -th face of the simplex. The index value means this face is the -th simplex of line :
<index_1> ... <index i>
For example, the following is the standard Delta Complex specification of the 2-torus:
0 0; 0 0; 0 0
0 1 2; 2 1 0
This structure only has 1 vertex, so all of its 3 edges start and end at the same point. Its two faces go in opposite orientations, hence their edges go in opposite directions.