PHP Class to authenticate a user against a mail server.
Allow setting of auth type : POP3, POP3S, IMAP, IMAPS, SMTP, SMTPS.
Take a username and a password and then attempt a login to the specified mail server.
If login is successful, then return true, else return false.
SMTP authentication function adapted from :
Configurable settings | Default Value | Description |
mailServerUrl | NONE | Mailserver URL |
serverPort | NONE | Mailserver Port number, normally automatically set after by setting the serverType, but can be overridden if required |
serverType | NONE | Service to use for authentication POP3/POP3S/IMAP/IMAPS/SMTP/SMTPS |
serverTypes | Array of Types | Built in list of valid services for authentication |
errors | Array of Errors | List of all error codes, there description and some help text on what the issue may be |
username | NONE | Set to the username to be used for authentication |
password | NONE | Set to the password to be used for authentication |
passwordType | plain | Currently on 'plain' is used, possible future enhancement to allow form based password encryption |
passwordTypes | List of supported passwordTypes, currently only 'plain' is supported | |
logger | Null Logger | \Monolog\Logger if passed to constructor, this is used for all logging |
sslCheck | true | If true, then perform SSL verification on the connection. NOTE If using POP or IMAP, this should be set to 'false' as some bug causes PHP imap_open to still check SSL when using non-ssl connection |
authenticated | EMPTY | Status of the authentication, set to True after user sucsesfully authenticates or False otherwise |
timeOut | 30 | Time out for SMTP connections, best to set this to a low value, as the authentication script will wait till this timeout if there is an issue connecting to the server |
newLine | \r\n | End Of Line terminator to use in SMTP comunications |
smtpLocalHost | NONE | Local hostname for SMTP authentication, not currently used, will most likely be removed in a future revision. |
$logger=new Logger('auth');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/auth.log', LOGGER::DEBUG));
$logger->info('Auth Script Starting');
After authenticate() has been called, you can check the result of the authentication with :
$auth=new MailAuth($logger);
$auth=new MailAuth($logger);
$auth=new MailAuth($logger);
$auth=new MailAuth($logger);
$auth=new MailAuth($logger);
$auth=new MailAuth($logger);