An SBT plugin for managing Docker images within Amazon ECR.
- Create ECR repositories using
- Login to the remote registry using
- Push local images using
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.mintbeans" % "sbt-ecr" % "0.7.0")
Add ECR settings to your build.sbt
. The following snippet assumes a Docker image build using sbt-native-packager:
import com.amazonaws.regions.{Region, Regions}
region in ecr := Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1)
repositoryName in ecr := (packageName in Docker).value
localDockerImage in ecr := (packageName in Docker).value + ":" + (version in Docker).value
// Create the repository before authentication takes place (optional)
login in ecr <<= (login in ecr) dependsOn (createRepository in ecr)
// Authenticate and publish a local Docker image before pushing to ECR
push in ecr <<= (push in ecr) dependsOn (publishLocal in Docker, login in ecr)
By default, the produced image will be tagged as "latest". It is possible to provide arbitrary additional tags, for example to add the version tag to the image:
repositoryTags in ecr ++= Seq(version.value)
If you don't want latest tag on your image you could override the repositoryTags
value completely:
repositoryTags in ecr := Seq(version.value)