Changes KUBECONFIG environment variable in the current shell. Inspired by and no extra featuers added. I just needed binary for ARM and did not want to play with rust.
You can clone repository and build binary with go build
and copy it into directory in your $PATH. Add to your .zshrc, .bashrc, ... following section
# export KCS_KUBEDIR=~/.kube/configs
kx() {
eval $(kcs)
will let you choose KUBECONFIG from this directory- to configure interactive look, see
- to change default collors create $HOME/.peco/config.json file
mkdir -p $HOME/.peco
echo "{
"Prompt": "[kube]",
"Style": {
"Basic": ["on_black", "white"],
"SavedSelection": ["bold", "on_black", "green"],
"Selected": ["bold", "on_black", "yellow"],
"Query": ["yellow", "bold"],
"Matched": ["yellow", "on_black"]
}" > $HOME/.peco/config.json