Mobile app using latest Flutter 2.8 and latest.
- Code Design Standard:
- Lint: lint
- Tests: unit and integration tests
- Obtain necessary files from the flutter application
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- Run flutter application
enviroments = {
- main_dev.dart
- main_prd.dart
- main_stg.dart
$ flutter run lib/{enviroment}
Before committing any code, make sure the code is as clean as possible without linting errors.
$ dart analyze {File_to_analyze}
$ dart analyze lib/infrastructure/user/user_repository.dart
Analyzing user_repository.dart...
No issues found!
Make sure to include basic unit/integration tests where possible.
SignIn an SignUp test
- Note: You must change the email in SignUp to create a new account.
$ flutter test test/infrastructure/signin_signup_test.dart
00:03 +0: SignUp test
00:05 +1: SignIn test
00:06 +2: All tests passed!
User test
$ flutter test test/infrastructure/user_repository_test.dart
00:03 +0: Get all genres test
00:03 +1: Get user test
00:04 +2: Patch phone number test
00:04 +3: Save user address test
00:06 +4: Patch user address test
00:07 +5: Delete user address test
00:09 +6: All tests passed!
Wallet test
$ flutter test test/infrastructure/wallet_repository_test.dart
00:03 +0: Save credit card test
00:03 +1: Patch credit card test
00:03 +2: Delete credit card test
00:03 +3: All tests passed!
Parkinglot test
$ flutter test test/infrastructure/parking_lot_repository_test.dart
00:05 +0: Ticket status test
00:06 +1: Save ticket status test
00:06 +2: Delete ticket status test
00:06 +3: Get service fee tes
00:07 +4: Ticket details test
00:07 +5: Get user tickets test
00:08 +6: All tests passed!