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MethyLYZR: a Naïve Bayesian framework for rapid brain tumor classification from sparse epigenomic data


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MethyLYZR is a Naïve Bayesian framework for rapid brain tumor classification from sparse epigenomic data.

This repository provides code to apply the model and instructions on how to set it up with a pre-trained Naïve Bayes model for classification of brain tumor samples from sparse methylation data into 91 CNS tumor classes defined by Capper et al. (2018) and 3 metastases classes (i.e., from breast cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma).

Please refer to our publication for detailed information: Rapid brain tumor classification from sparse epigenomic data.


📌 Contents


Hardware Requirements requires a 'standard' personal computer with minimum 4 GB RAM or a compute server. While does not utilize parallel processing and can technically run on systems with a single-core CPU, we recommend a minimum of a dual-core processor to ensure the system remains responsive for multitasking. When working with large datasets, additional memory is advisable. The runtimes stated below are generated using a computer (Apple iMac) with 64 GB RAM, 10 cores@3 GHz.

Software Requirements

OS Requirements

The code has been tested on the following systems:

  • macOS 13.2.1
  • Internal Linux distribution

Python Dependencies

The Python package dependencies are listed in requirements.txt.

Installation Guide

Before proceeding with the installation, make sure that Python 3.5 or higher is installed. The code was developed and tested using Python version 3.7.11.

Setting Up the Environment

Follow these steps to set up an environment with all required Python packages:

  1. Create a virtual environment for isolation of the dependencies
python -m venv venv
  1. Activate the environment
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the required dependencies using the requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Requirements

Download the required datasets from here. Ensure that the files are stored in the /model folder before running the model.

Recommended Preprocessing

Basecalling of Raw Nanopore signals

First, the raw Nanopore signals should be processed into bases using the dorado basecall server from ONT ( implemented in the sequencing software MinKnow, using the high-accuracy basecalling model with 5mC modifications (dna_r9.4.1_450bps_modbases_5mc_cg_hac.cfg).

The obtained reads should then be mapped to human reference genome GRCH38.p13 using, e.g., minimap2, and saved into BAM files. Information on modified bases should use the MM and ML tags defined in the Sequence Alignment/Map Optional Fields Specification.

Processing of BAM files (

The extraction of methylation values from the BAM files into the required file format can be done using the provided Python script In short, the script first filters for primary alignments with a minimal mapping quality of 10, as reported by minimap2. Positions are further filtered on loci corresponding to a genomic position on the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450K BeadChip. The per read and CpG methylation probability is calculated using the SAM MM and ML tags. The output is written to disk as a feather file in the format required for MethyLYZR prediction (see below).

⚠️ Note: When intending to filter methylation calls by read start times, it is crucial to verify the accuracy of the read start times as provided by the basecaller. We have observed that discrepancies in software versions can lead to inaccuracies in the reconstructed timing of base calls. Therefore, we strongly advise a thorough validation of read start times against your basecalling software's output to ensure the reliability of methylation timing analysis.

Input arguments for
Parameter Description
-i, --inputs directory with BAM files (required)
-s, --sample sample (file) name (required)
-o, --output output directory (required)
--sites file with CpG site annotation in BED format (required)
-r, --recursive recursive monitor subdirectories (default: False, action: store_true)
--io_threads number of threads used for io-handling (default: 2)
--methylation_threads number of threads used for methylation data extraction (default: 4)
--filter string (present in the path) for filtering on barcodes
An example run of the script: -i input_dir_bams -s sample1 -r --sites data/EPIC_CpGannotation.bed -o output_dir --methylation_threads 24 --io_threads 8
Output Feather table format

The script outputs a feather file, in the following format:

Column Description
epic_id EPIC array probe ID associated with CpG site
methylation methylation probability [0,1]
scores_per_read number of measurements (covered by reference) on same read
read_no read number
binary_methylation 0 if methylation < 0.8, else 1
read_id read identifier
pct_identity percent read identity to reference
start_time time in seconds after start of sequencing
run_id sequencing run identifier

💡 This feather file format is the required input format for

Running MethyLYZR for Tumor Classification (

To classify a given Nanopore sample using the pre-trained Naïve Bayes model for CNS tumor class prediction, use:

python -i sampleX.feather -s sampleX -o results

Pre-trained Model

Components making up the trained Naïve Bayes model stored in model/:

  • centroids (betas_mean.feather)
    • mean methylation profiles per class
  • feature weights (W_RELIEF.feather)
    • class-specific weights derived from ReliefF-based method
  • class priors (class_priors.csv)
    • prior probabilities per class derived from relative frequencies in training data

This model encompasses 91 CNS + 3 metastasis classes.

Input Arguments for

Parameter Description
-i, --inputs methylation data input feather file (required)
-s, --sample sample name (required)
-o, --output output directory (required)
-c, --centroids directory of pre-trained class centroids (default: 'model/betas_mean.feather')
-w, --weights directory of pre-trained class centroids (default: 'model/W_RELIEF.feather')
-p, --priors directory of pre-trained class priors (default: 'model/class_priors.csv')
--minNoise minimum noise value added to centroids (default: 0.05)
--methLowerBound lower bound for calling methylated loci (default: 0.8)
--methUpperBound upper bound for calling unmethylated loci (default: 0.2)

What it does

  1. reads the pre-trained model (centroids + feature weights + class priors)
  2. loads sample from corresponding feather file
  3. preprocesses the methylation measurements
    • filtering for (methylation probability < methUpperBound) OR (methylation probabilty > methLowerBound)
    • filtering for number of features per read <= 10
    • calculating noise
    • calculating read weights
    • binarize methylation probabilities
  4. predicts posterior probabilities for all 94 classes using Naïve Bayesian framework
  5. outputs
    • a ranked list with the posterior probabilites for all classes as a CSV
    • a barplot showing the posterior probabilities of the top 5 hits as a PDF

Posterior Probabilities

The probabilities of predictions output by range from 0 to 1 and reflect the certainty of the prediction.

  • Scores > 0.6: Predictions with probabilities above 0.6 can be regarded as high-certainty predictions.

  • Scores <= 0.6: Predictions with scores below 0.6 are considered to have lower certainty. These results suggest that the model has lower confidence in the prediction, and they should be treated accordingly.


This demo illustrates how to use MethyLYZR to process sample data and generate output files. We use IEG14_4d93b1bb47f2b6315c552126160915afc2a89ca7.feather as input to produce a CSV table of the predictions and a PDF with visualized top 5 classes.

  1. Preprocess the input data using
python -i IEG14_HG38/ -s IEG14_4d93b1bb47f2b6315c552126160915afc2a89ca7 -r --sites data/EPIC_CpGannotation.bed -o demo_outputs --methylation_threads 24 --io_threads 8

Follow these steps to replicate the demo:

  1. Run on the preprocessed data for test sample IEG14 (:hourglass_flowing_sand: Runtime: 59.7 seconds)
python -i data/ONT_15min_runs/IEG14_4d93b1bb47f2b6315c552126160915afc2a89ca7.feather -s IEG14 -o results \
-c model/betas_mean.feather -w model/W_RELIEF.feather -p model/class_priors.csv --minNoise 0.05 --methLowerBound 0.8 --methUpperBound 0.2

This will print the following log to the command line

  M e t h y L Y Z R

Reading model from model/betas_mean.feather
Sample: IEG14

Loading data from data/ONT_15min_runs/IEG14_4d93b1bb47f2b6315c552126160915afc2a89ca7.feather

Preprocessing data...
 - Filtering values...
 - Calculating noise...
 - Calculating read weights...

Predicting classes...

Saving results to results/MethyLYZR_IEG14.csv

  1. Review the output generated by this demo.
  • 📋 Ranked table with posteriors of all classes

    IEG14 Head Output Table
  • 📊 Barplot with top 5 predicted classes

    IEG14 Output Barplot

Data Availability

This dataset provides methylation data from ONT (R9 and R10) and PacBio sequencing, stored in feather format. These data were generated from brain tumor biopsies and can be used directly as input for, or filtered by timestamps to post-hoc simulate shorter sequencing runs.

Intraoperative Workflow Video

This video provides a showcase of the intraoperative setup with real-time recordings of 10 clinical demonstrator samples processed under intraoperative clinical conditions at the Point-of-Care. It demonstrates the time required for:

  • DNA extraction
  • Library preparation
  • Sequencing


Brändl, B., Steiger, M., Kubelt, C., Rohrandt, C., Zhu, Z., Evers, M., Wang, G., Schuldt, B., Afflerbach, A.K., Wong, D., Lum, A., Halldorsson, S., Djirackor, L., Leske, H., Magadeeva, S., Smičius, R., Quedenau, C., Schmidt, N.O., Schüller, U., Vik-Mo, E.O., Proescholdt, M., Riemenschneider, M.J., Zadeh, G., Ammerpohl, O., Yip, S., Synowitz, M., van Bömmel, A., Kretzmer, H., & Müller, F.-J. Rapid brain tumor classification from sparse epigenomic data. Nat. Med. (2025).


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The source code and binary files available are subject to a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable, and limited right to use for the exclusive purpose of undertaking academic or not-for-profit research, which is granted hereby. Use of the Code or any part thereof for commercial or clinical purposes and alterations are strictly prohibited in the absence of a Commercial License Agreement from MPG (Contact: [email protected]).

Download and/or use of the source code and binary files under the aforementioned research license comes with the acceptance of the license agreement provided with the download. Any further distribution is prohibited.


MethyLYZR: a Naïve Bayesian framework for rapid brain tumor classification from sparse epigenomic data







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