Mapp Connect Client node.js
This library can be used by any application that wants to communicate with Mapp Connect. It wraps up JWT token generation part and all the HTTP communication details.
It's being packaged with NPM, in order to use it, just add it to the project as a dependency (mapp-connect-client).
Example usage
Instantiate client and specify API URL, integration ID and API key var mcc = new lib.MappConnectClient('', 'fc1dd232-8302-41a0-a7e9-089d9f8f7304', 'fQbl8bQz1G9OYYukcgYypy2jJeOCi0FD')
let getMessagesCallback = function (data) { console.log(data); } mcc.getMessages(getMessagesCallback);
let getGroupsCallback = function (data) { console.log(data); } mcc.getGroups(getGroupsCallback);
mcc.sendUser("{"email":"[email protected]"}");
Each operation can be triggered by sendXxxx method on the client, for now each of them expects the full JSON payload to be provided as an argument: