1303 commits
to main
since this release
Dependency requirements:
- Compatible version of MapboxCoreMaps: v10.2.0-rc.1
- Compatible version of MapboxCommon: v21.0.0-rc.2
- Compatible version of Xcode: Tested with Xcode 12.5 and 13.1
- Compatible version of macOS: Tested with version 11.6.1
View Annotations
- Panning behavior on pitched maps has been improved. Panning no longer begins while the touch location is above the horizon, deceleration is disabled if the pan ends above the horizon, and the implementation of pan deceleration has been updated to avoid the sensitive portion of the map near the horizon. These changes help to reduce the incidence of the map moving unexpectedly far when flinging toward the horizon. (#888)
- Additionally, the drag sensitivity around and above the horizon has been reduced. (#891)
- v10.2.0-beta.1 introduced an updated pinch gesture implementation to address #775, but this change introduced a new issue #864. Additionally, the overall feel of the gesture was not as smooth. The default behavior has been reverted to match v10.1, but the v10.2.0-beta.1 behavior is still available as an experimental configuration option. (#890)
Location Puck
- v10.2.0-beta.1 introduced a regression that prevented the location puck from appearing when a location permission request was required. (#862)
Persistent Layer APIs
- The persistent layer APIs are no longer marked as experimental. In previous releases, import statements needed to be annotated with
to expose these APIs. As of this release, that is no longer necessary. (#849)
has been updated to only localize the primary localization and not the fall-through localizations. (#856)StyleColor
can now correctly deserialize rgba CSS colors that contain components with exponents. (#873)
- The attribution dialog now reflects telemetry opt-in-out status correctly at first appearance. (#865)
Direct Download
- This release fixes a bug that prevented experimental APIs from being available to developers who integrated the SDK via the direct download option. (#854)
- It also prevents a swiftlint config file from being included as a bundled resource in the XCFramework. (#859)
- MapboxCoreMaps has been updated to v10.2.0-rc.1 and MapboxCommon has been updated to v21.0.0-rc.2. (#891)
- Reverts "Improve performance by avoiding re-layout of invisible fading tiles" because it caused regression on globe view projection zooming in/out.
- Reduces drag sensitivity around and above horizon.
Direct Download
Link to download binaries (append your own Mapbox access token scoped with DOWNLOADS:READ