This is a 42 project whose objective is to create a first-person perspective game in the style of Wolfenstein3D. The main technique used to create the appearence of a 3D view is called raycasting (
First, this project will run best on a native Linux distribution (given WSL emulates inputs, mouse movements in the game will not work as intended). The following commands will work on Ubuntu :) The project uses a school library - Minilibx ( - which serves as an interface for utilizing the X Window System on Unix-like operating systems. It is essentially a window manager :D
So first off, we need a C compiler and the Make utility to build the project:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Then we need to make sure the Minilibx dependencies are in place by running:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xorg libxext-dev zlib1g-dev libbsd-dev
Clone this repo:
git clone [email protected]:manuel-aguiar/cub3d_42_linux.git [name you want]
The project has two versions, mandatory and bonus, as per the schools rules. The bonus should be slightly more fun!! So:
cd [name you want]/bonus ; make
Aaaand the game should be ready to run! On the "maps" folder there are a couple of underdeveloped maps (:D) but should give you a feel of the game. Run for instance:
./Cub3d maps/map_cenas.cub
and have fun!!
The game works as a first-person shooter (some of the assets you see may look familiar...). So the basic FPS controls apply:
WASD to move
X to crouch
Z to prone
Backspace to jump (or stand from crouch/prone position)
Left-Shift to run
Mouse movement to change the perspective
Left-Click to shoot
Right-Click to aim
P for pausing the game
ESC to exit the game
1/2/3 to toggle blur/floor/ceiling reflections
Now, you can create your own maps and use the textures you want!! Some requirements are needed though, let's take "map_cenas.cub" as an example:
NO ./assets/xpm_north.xpm
SO ./assets/xpm_south.xpm
WE ./assets/xpm_west.xpm
EA ./assets/xpm_east.xpm
F ./assets/xpm_margarida.xpm
C ./assets/xpm_margarida.xpm
MEDI ./assets/xpm_medikit.xpm
AMMO ./assets/ammo.xpm
X_ENEMY ./assets/xpm_mario.xpm
Y_ENEMY ./assets/xpm_mario.xpm
Z_ENEMY ./assets/lost_soul.xpm
MY_BULLET ./assets/xpm_flying_bullet.xpm
EN_BULLET ./assets/xpm_enemy_bullet.xpm
WALL_BULLET ./assets/bullethole.xpm
GUN ./assets/xpm_gun.xpm
DOOR ./assets/xpm_door.xpm
11110111 1110101 101111010001
11111111 1111111 111111111111
The first few lines specify paths to the textures the game will be loading.
NO, SO, WE, EA - the wall textures
F, C - floor and ceiling textures
MEDI, AMMO, X_ENEMY, Y_ENEMY, Z_ENEMY, MY_BULLET, EN_BULLET, WALL_BULLET, GUN, DOOR - miscelanious textures for the game
Warning: ALL TEXTURES MUST BE .XPM FILES. If they are misconfigured, hopefully Minilibx will sound the alarms and the game will exit safely :D
You can change the textures to any you like as long as they are correctly cconfigured .xpm files, and make your own game!
Then there is the map!
1 - wall
0 - empty
NSWE - player spawn position and direction
there can only be ONE of these!!!! (player must spawn in only one place!)
M - medikit to restore health
A - ammokit to restore ammo
D - doors, the MUST be between 1s (walls!!)
X, Y, Z - the enemies!!!
Fell free to make your own maps, if there is a problem running the map, hopefully the error message displayed on the terminal will give you a clue on own to ammend it!
Do you want the player to move faster? rotate slower? jump higher?
On the srcs/ folder, there is a file named game_settings.h. All the settings are written as macros (with more or less descriptive names), with aaaaall the sensibilities, speed, bullet velocity, window size. Change them, and run:
It should just change a couple of files and relink, no need to re-compile all object files :)
Warning: the game does not perform safety checks on all the input macros, some of the changes might result in a game crash :( So, undo changes if necessary :)
To make this project, several algorithms where used. For raycasting, the famous Lodev tutorial served as a base:
For the compass:
Midpoint Circle algorithm -
Xiaolin Wu's line Algorithm -
Bersenham's Line Algorithm -
Gaussian Blur -
Gamma Correction -
(mainly used for antialiasing of the outter circle)
Gamma Correction 2.2 polynomial aproximations:
Jumps/weapon recoil:
Map collisions:
Javidx9 Youtube tutorial:
Bullet collisions and enemy hitbox:
Liang-Barsky Clipper:
On top of that, trigonometry, 2D and 3D vectors, all the fun stuff!!
That's it, enjoy!!!!!