A Full Stack Photo Sharing Social Media app - Pickapic. Using pickApic, a user can share their memories to the world in the form of photos. Users can add a title and a caption to the post and even edit it in the future. A user can also like and comment on someone else's posts, along with many more functionalities described below.
- The app was made using HTML, CSS and Javascript for the frontend, with React as the frontend frameword.
- NodeJS was used for the Backend, with ExpressJS as the Backend Framework.
- MongoDB's NoSQL Database was used to strore user and Post Information.
A complete video walkthrough showing each of the app's functionalities is provided below:
a) Creating a new User, and checking all the users and the posts uploaded by them:
b) Create a new Post:
c) Changing the contents of a Post and Deleting a Post:
d) Liking and Unliking a Post, Commenting on a Post, Deleting a comment:
e) Checking an other user's profile, logging out of your profile, and logging in back:
f) Changing the Name, email, password and the profile picture of your profile:
g) Deleting your profile:
h) Searching a user: