A small ecommerce app based on python django and react. Includes docker based development and deployment.
In order to have clear sepration for backend and frontend development project is divided into relative name folder. Traditional way to setup development environment instructions are explained below. Moreover there is docker based instructions as well for faster development set up.
- client (container react frontend application)
- server (Backend APi based on Django Python)
- nginx (proxy server configurations)
- readme and docker compose
Setup environment for development
Clone the project then install python and react dependencies
git clone https://github.com/manjurulcis/fastcommerce.git
cd fastcommerce/server
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ../client
yarn # or npm install
Run below command in the ´server´ directory to create database, apply migrations and add some dummy data to your project.
python add_dummy_data.py
To run the frontend server
cd frontend && yarn run dev
To run backend server
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py livereload # hot reload
Open http://localhost:8000/ and Test the product view, search and add to cart functionality. To do you need to login and you can use this demo user
Email: 09177654321
Password: password
or you can register yourself
Admin user has been created in users.json
You can access the admin pannel from http://localhost:8000/admin/
or you can login in frontend app http://localhost:8000/login
phone number: 09171234567
Phone: 35845183578
password: password
Deploy with docker using postgresql, gunicorn and nginx.
cd server
cp .env.sample .env
cp .env.db.sample .env.db
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec web python manage.py collectstatic --no-input
docker-compose exec web python add_dummy_data.py
All should be setup correctly. You can browse the application here