This repository and the role associated are deprecated in favor of the Manala Ansible Collection
You will find informations on its usage on the collection repository
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This role will deal with the setup of ProFTPd.
It's part of the Manala Ansible stack but can be used as a stand alone component.
Using ansible galaxy cli:
ansible-galaxy install manala.proftpd
Using ansible galaxy requirements file:
- src: manala.proftpd
Name | Type | Description |
proftpd restart |
Service | Restart proftpd server |
Name | Default | Type | Description |
manala_proftpd_install_packages |
~ | Array | Dependency packages to install |
manala_proftpd_install_packages_default |
['proftpd-basic'] | Array | Default dependency packages to install |
manala_proftpd_configs_exclusive |
false | Boolean | Configurations exclusivity |
manala_proftpd_configs_dir |
'/etc/proftpd/conf.d' | String | Configurations directory path |
manala_proftpd_configs_defaults |
{} | String | Configurations defaults |
manala_proftpd_configs |
[] | Array | Configurations |
manala_proftpd_users_file |
'/etc/ftpd.passwd' | String | User accounts definition file path |
manala_proftpd_users_template |
'users/_default.j2 | String | User accounts definition template path |
manala_proftpd_users_defaults |
{...} | Array | ProFTPd user accounts defaults |
manala_proftpd_users |
[] | Array | ProFTPd user accounts |
The manala_proftpd_configs
key is made to allow you to define configuration based on chosen template format.
allow you to clean up existing proFTPd configuration files into directory defined by the manala_proftpd_configs_dir
key. Made to be sure no old or manually created files will alter current configuration.
manala_proftpd_configs_exclusive: true
A state (present|absent) can be provided.
# Dict based
- file: default.conf
ServerName: Manala
PassivePorts: 10000 10030
DefaultRoot: "~"
AuthOrder: mod_auth_file.c
AuthUserFile: /etc/ftpd.passwd
RequireValidShell: false
# Dict's array based (deprecated)
- file: default_deprecated.conf
- ServerName: Manala
- PassivePorts: 10000 10030
- DefaultRoot: "~"
- AuthOrder: mod_auth_file.c
- AuthUserFile: /etc/ftpd.passwd
- RequireValidShell: false
# Content based
- file: content.conf
config: |
<Anonymous ~ftp>
User ftp
Group nogroup
# Template based
- file: template.conf
template: my_proftpd_template.conf.j2
Foo: bar
# Ensure config is absent
- file: absent.conf
state: absent # "present" by default
# Ignore config
- file: ignore.conf
state: ignore
# Flatten configs
- "{{ my_custom_configs_array }}"
You can also use VirtualHost configuration
- file: virtual_host_foo.conf
- VirtualHost ftp.foo.com:
- ServerName: Foo FTP Server
- MaxClients: 10
- MaxLoginAttempts: 1
- Limit LOGIN:
- Order: Allow,Deny
- AllowUser: foo
- Deny: from all
- DefaultRoot: "~"
- Directory /srv/ftp/docs:
- Limit ALL:
- DenyAll
Use the manala_proftpd_users_template
key to define users allowed to access FTP storage.
uid: 1337 # Will be applied by defaults on users
gid: 7331
- name: manala
password: "$1$KBijsXOEr4"b$9HEyZDLPnSe3SXq0n66oE3y/"
home: /srv/my_dir
shell: /bin/false
- name: toto
password: "$1$9f19dba0ce5ece883b53275dcc1721b9"
home: /home/toto
shell: /bin/false
mode: "0755"
uid: 1000
gid: 1000
We strongly encourage you to generate SHA2 password hash
On linux, it can be generated with:
echo -n yourpassword | mkpasswd --method=sha-512 -
- hosts: servers
- role: manala.proftpd
Manala (http://www.manala.io/) is an open source project supported by the french web agency (ELAO)